Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"I am," I insisted, but my voice came out weaker than before. "I- I know I am."

"You don't even seem sure of yourself," Father chortled, "Who the hell are you trying to convince?"

I ran my hand through my hair in quick succession, fixing Father with a cold stare, "Once I get into college, I'm out of here. I'll get my own place, I'll be independent and I'll be ten times happier than I ever was in this shit hole with you -"

"With what money?" He jeered, "You want to be independent? Get a fucking job and then let's talk."

"You realize Mom left me money right?" I argued back with a smirk, "If you think I'm not using that to get out of here, then you must be crazy."

"Do you think you'll actually survive in the real world?" Father changed his route, tilting his head to the side as he examined me with his beady eyes, "Do you think you'll actually ever amount to anything on your own?"

"Fuck you," I choked, my voice so hoarse, I could barely speak. "I don't need to listen to this shit, this early in the morning."

"You're in denial son," He spat out the last word, almost mockingly at me, "And you know it. You're just too afraid to admit it."

With a barely concealed smirk, he turned on his heels and walked away while he hummed a tune under his breath. I was left standing there by the door, a burning anger shooting through my veins that was demanding to be released.

And I realized, whether I lashed out at him or not, he would still treat me like the carpet on which he walked.


"Is everything alright?"

Natalia gazed at me with her head tilted to the side. My skin prickled at how intensely she was watching me, but I stepped back and cleared my throat.

"Kind of," I shrugged, unsure of what else to say. "Just had a fight with Father this morning. That's all."

Natalia winced, her face scrunching up into sympathy. "Again?"

A heavy sigh left my lips, "Yeah. . . But it's fine. I just need to stick it out until college. Then I'm out of here."

"Are you staying local?" She asked curiously, "Wait, what are you going to study? I don't think I've ever asked you."

"Most likely I'll be staying around here," I replied, "It'll be less expensive for me. And. . . I - um. . ."

Seeing the hesitant look on my face, she nudged my shoulder. "Oh, come on! What is it? I really want to know now."

For a minute, I thought my face was on fire. I suddenly felt awkward; even going as far as attempting to hide behind my locker door.

"I want to study Social Work." I mumbled out.

A blinding smile lit up on Natalia's lips. "Really? Wow, Trevor, you know I didn't think you would go down that route," Her eyes suddenly widened and she shook her head, "Wait, not that I thought you wouldn't be good at it, I just thought you would study business or something -"

"It's alright Natalia," My lips twitched, and I coughed into my hand embarrassingly, "I know what you meant."

"Right," She tinkled a laugh, "Well, you know what? I think it's a great idea. What made you want to do that though? I didn't think you were a huge fan of kids, if I'm being honest."

"Well. . ." I lifted a hand to scratch the back of my neck and turned away from her penetrating stare. "I guess growing up as I did, I wish. . . I wish I had someone look out for me. I want to help kids grow up in a safe environment, and having been in their shoes. . . I think this might actually be something I would be good at."

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