3 - Saving the Mundie

Start from the beginning

"Actually, no. That was Camilla's outfit, right? They're locals," Jace says.

"They're at the Hotel DuMort, down in Gansevoort Street," Izzy says nodding to Jace.

"And we came back here? Why? We have to go there. Let's go, now. Come on," Clary says quickly.

"We need a Clave Resolution for that," Alec says.

"The five of us can't declare war on the vamps all by ourselves," Izzy says trying to get Fireball to understand.

"And I don't want to be around Vamps any longer than I have to be. Meaning we need a plan instead of rushing in," I say wanting to make it clear to everyone that I hate vampires.

"We have to consider our options," Alec adds to my point sending me a small smile. He knows something big happened between me and the vampires, this is him trying to comfort me subtly, I'm sure. "Downworlders are slaves to their impulses. We're not," He says causing Clary to roll her eyes at him.

"Alec, you can't stomp on all the Downworlders," Izzy says to her brother.

"Oh, that's right. Seelies have their charms, apparently," Alec smirks at Izzy.

"Right?" Jace joins in with smirking and I burst out laughing knowing that they're all talking about Izzy's Seelie 'friend'.

"Seelies?" Clary repeats with confusion.

"Like faeries. The Fair Folk. Add pixies, nixies, elves- anybody half-angel, half-demon. It's pretty much a catch-all term," Jace explains to her.

"Izzy can tell you all about them. She's got a thing," Alec says leaning against the table, resting his hands on my ankles.

"Yeah, they're her favourite," I send a smirk to her.

"We've all got our things, don't we?" She says quickly glancing down at Alec's hands on me before looking back at him. However, I think I'm the only one in the room to notice what she's trying to imply. I chuckle to myself at it.

"Okay, I can't listen to this. Simon's been kidnapped by vampires," Clary says glaring at us all before turning and walking away. "I guess I'll just take care of it myself."

"Clary, you're gonna get yourself killed." Jace immediately straightens up. But she ignores him and continues towards the door. "Simon too." She stops and hesitates a moment before turning around and walking back.

"Then help me. While we consider other options, my best friend is suffering. Is that something shadowhunters understand, or am I just being mundane?" She says keeping her eyes only on Jace. We all share a look causing me to sigh to myself.

"I'm curious, Red. How far do you think you'll get if you went up against the vamps alone?" I ask her receiving a glare from her. Alec squeezes my ankles softly gaining my attention and he shakes his head slightly at me, as if to warn me that now isn't the time.

"Clary's right," Jace says ignoring my comment. "They made the first move. We're gonna take care of this ourselves, right now." Alec groans and removes his hands from me, moving closer to Jace.

"This is a bad idea. I—" he starts.

"What, you have a better one? Look the Vamps broke the Accords. They kidnapped a Mundie. That's a big no-no. The Clave will give us a lecture and then they'll be glad we did it. Come on," Jace says looking at each of us in turn.

"Hard to argue with that," Izzy says glancing at Alec to see his reaction.

"Even if we went ahead, I don't see how we get out of here without having to explain where we're going. We need weapons, and we can't let anyone see us get them," Alec says keeping his eyes on Jace.

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