Chapter One: Nice to Meet You Too

Start from the beginning

I hope not because I don't want to imagine what he'd do to me if it was. I opened my backpack and found the folder of all "forced" assignments was thankfully in there. I fished his essay out and handed it to him.

Raymond glanced at it, then tapped the paper on my head in a humiliating way. "I expect an A on this one."

"I expect it too. It's a pity it won't count for my grade though."

He didn't say anything.

I looked up at him, raising an eyebrow. "What's wrong Raymond? Can't come up with any better comebacks? I enjoy our daily witty banters, although I'm used to always having to bring in the actual wit."

Raymond's eyebrows furrowed together and I took it that he was trying to understand what I had just said.

"I can say simplify my vocabulary if that would help," I offered sincerely.

He then glared at me, having finally figured out it was an insult. 

"After all these years, why can't you get it through your head?" He asked me with his signature smirk. "You should stay right where you belong," he said, looking down at me.

With that, he left to rejoin his friends, laughing alongside him.

I did stay where I was as I sat there on the hallway floor. I watched as people passed by me, their whispers and snickers about my state fading into the background. They continued to kick and step on my stuff that was scattered on the floor. One person was unique enough to even pick up one of my papers just to rip it in front of me. I knew what they were doing with my papers was what they wished they were doing with me.

After regaining my composure I had left, I stood up and quickly picked up my stuff. Having learned my lesson, I inserted everything into my backpack and walked down the hallway. I ignored their painful insults and pretended to be unfazed when I was shoved by people who passed by me.

I felt numb to it all.

My peers weren't exactly clever in their insults. They shouted "four-eyes" at me because I'm obviously a four-eyed mutant, of course, not because I wear glasses. They said my long, dark brown hair was a rat's nest, but they had to cut me some slack when I always struggled to calm my stubborn wavy hair. They told me I was fat and skinny which was confusing because I didn't know how I could possibly be both. Then when they called me short that meant that they had officially run out of insults.

When I reached my locker, I removed the piece of paper that I knew was stuck on my backpack and threw the now crumpled ball of paper in my locker. I didn't have to know what was exactly on the paper given that I knew the usual list they typically loop through. I heard booing from a group of guys who I assumed were the owners of said paper.

This is the average day of Naomi Lorraine, cleverly called Nerdy Naomi. The perfect victim to bully when you just need to release any pent up anger life throws at you. I was someone to throw your newly created insults or receive your actually thrown punches just to get a laugh out of it.

And what do I do? I let it all come to me. I have practically the entire school against me so it was pointless to fight back against an army. I had no friends to cry to because who would want to be friends with such a pitiful person and be caught in the crossfire for being associated with me? Going to the teachers wouldn't do anything unless I wanted to get a harsher retaliation in return. It would break my parents' hearts if I told them I suffered through this for so long. I have given up on trying to understand what it was about me that made me the subject to everyone's bullying. I wrote it off that I was just an easy target and that it was from their strong mentality to follow the crowd without stopping to think about why you should.

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