He looked at me as if saying are you serious? "You think I won't?" He scoffed. My eyes widened when he charged at me and I turned around, shrieking when his arms reached over my shoulders and tried reaching into my sweatshirt.

This guy is insane.

"If this is because I'm better at you in hockey then I'm sorry! Actually, no I'm not sorry." I distract him in panic, desperate to make sure he does not take this journal.

"What? No, you're not." Zayn says, clearly not distracted enough to let me go because his grip around me tightened.

"Yeah, okay." I wheezed, continuing to fight against him. I forgot how strong hockey guys are. "I will scream rape if you do not get off of me." I breathlessly struggled to say, feeling his weight on my back.

"Give me the journal and I will." He grunted, not believing me.

I take a deep breath and get ready to scream, catching Zayn off guard when he actually heard my voice. "RA-"

He slapped his hand over my mouth, the rest of the word coming out muffled. I licked his hand, but he didn't move it away. At least he stopped trying to grab the journal.

That was the moment the apartment door opened to reveal a shirtless Harry, making Zayn freeze above me.

Harry looked completely and utterly confused at the sight. "Hi?"

"Can you get off of me?" I groaned, trying to shove him off with my elbow, but he wouldn't let me go.

"I can't let you do this." He whispered, but Harry heard and questioned it.

"What is happening?" He asked, looking like a lost puppy.

Abs and tattoos filled my vision, but I scolded myself mentally. Now is not the time.

"I apologize in advance for this, Zayn. I hope you can forgive me." I say in a disappointed sigh, closing my eyes as I prepare myself for what I'm about to do.

"What do you m-" He wasn't able to complete his sentence because I lifted my foot behind me and kicked him where I think was his balls.

He groaned and finally let me go, so I take the opportunity to push Harry into the apartment and close the door behind us, sighing out of relief when I locked it and leaned against it.

"What is going on?" Harry asked me, his confusion growing. It took me a minute to realize he was actually speaking to me and not running away.

As I was about to answer, the journal fell out of my hoodie and onto the floor between my legs.

Harry's eyes went wide and his face turned ghost white at the sight of it.

"W-where did you get that?" He stutters, looking between me and the journal in panic as I reached down to grab it.

"Gemma gave it to me before she left and told me I had to read it." I say, my heart racing as I quickly added in "I didn't read it, though."

The color in his face returned, but he still seemed on edge at the idea of me having it.

"I actually came here to give it to you. Zayn was trying to stop me, as you just witnessed, but it didn't feel right having it with me. I don't want to invade your privacy." I spoke again, seeing as he wasn't saying anything. I hand the journal to him and he takes it carefully in his hands, not taking his eyes off of it.

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