part 6 (crutches)

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I sigh hearing the annoying clock that says, i rub my eyes waking up removing the warmth of the blanket and stood slowly remembering that i had a date with midoriya today...yes a week ago midoriya confessed his love to me, and i said yes...even tho this love was one sided I just can't say no to him....i walked with alittle shiver that was caused by the coldness of the wooden ground...I got to my closet choosing anything i could get my hand on...

(his clothes)

i went for the bathroom brushing my teeth while washing my face, looking at the mirror

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i went for the bathroom brushing my teeth while washing my face, looking at the mirror...after that i went to my bedroom trying not to feel guilty about lying to midoriya, i groan sitting with a creak on the bed..i scroll through instagram with nothing to do, the date would be an hour later so nothing to do, nothing to do makes silence, and here it is.... the apartment is soundless....

"Oi...half'n half are ya going out with that broccoli head? Ya serious?" I peeked my head up surprised by the sick and tired voice, after i locked him a week ago we haven't had a conservation since then...only him screaming at me and me not saying anything, but at least he got revenge...

~when deku got out of the apartment (one week ago)~
"Hey bakugou im sorry for slapping you, i know im overprotective of my friend-" I couldn't even complete because of the explosion that was directed to my face, continued with trains of punching...thank god he is short if he wasn't all the punches would have reached me, but what mattered the most is that he was super mad, i felt really bad for slapping him that time...
~ended lol~
And till now i have a big bruise on my left arm,"yes, do you want something, i wanna buy soba you want too?" I answered with a question too, he looked at me for seconds with his ruby eyes until he answered rudely "who tf buys soba when its cold!? Don't buy anything!, You and that nerd are going to a five stars restaurant did you forget icy hot?!?" He spat out but his voice broke alittle, he has a really hard happened a day after i locked him, his normal sickness would be just some fevers but this cold looks like it'll stick on him like glue....

And i tried defending myself "i was just saying that so i wont feel bad, what are you gonna eat?" "Can't i just come with ya two?!" "Well sure i guess.." i answered honestly looking back down to my phone.."wait, don't ya want your date 'private' or something? Anyway are ya kiddin icy hot!?" I changed my gaze from the phone to bakugou ,nodding..."i actually don't like him as a man, but i felt bad so yeah...go change into your clothes and lets go"

"oh so your lyin to an inocint broccoli huh? Wait did ya forget i am wearing the same clothes that *sneeze*that still has dried blood on it!? And how am i going to move through places when i look hideous with these *cough* crutches!" After hearing him say his words i remember i have to buy him clothes or just bring his old clothes from his old 'house', and true it'll be hard to move with crutches and awkward too..."well for now wear my clothes, and for the crutches you have two choices (yes or yes lol twice) first is i carry you, second is moving with annoying crutches...what do you choose?"

He looked at me with a puzzled look,but after his cute reaction his face turned red like a hot pepper from anger i think...or maybe sickness..."fucking icy hot!?! Just help me move or something okay!?!!! And where are your clothes?" He said earning a point of my hand towards my closet, he tsked and began wobbling slowly with crutches and wooden creaks, when he was there he opened it with a long creak and it looks like my whole furniture creaks..

He got some random clothes and wobbled as slow as a snail and went out, i waited for him looking at the clock hearing the calming sounds of the mother nature, birds chirping, wind blowing ever so lightly, the sweet cold breeze, and lets not forget the small children's pitter patter of they're tiny feets and giggles...i sigh remembering my childhood with my siblings,it was the best "icy hot why is your body so big?!!" Out of no where bakugou screamed with all his lungs not even looking sick surprising me..i looked at him and...

(Just think it is really baggy ok ur gurl here is lazy)

"Well it looks good i guess, oh do you want a mask or something?" I asked going for the drawer,"no i dont want, im just alittle sick and second i would rather get you sick than wearing a mask!" Your sneezes and coughing says otherwise that "Even t...

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"Well it looks good i guess, oh do you want a mask or something?" I asked going for the drawer,"no i dont want, im just alittle sick and second i would rather get you sick than wearing a mask!" Your sneezes and coughing says otherwise that "Even tho i got you a black one..not like lida..ok then let me carry you.." i say pointing for him to go on my back..."No i can walk for now.."

~half an hour later~
"Bakugou are you sure that you can at least get out of the house if you are this slow?" I ask looking at my hand clock seeing that half an hour had went.." then come help me walk bastard!? I'm not used to these fucking crutches! Uugh" how did i forget i could just help him out..i run inside aiming for the living room and helped bakugou walk, after alittle of time and fighting we were out...i pulled my keys with one hand the other was holding bakugou's shoulders, closing my apartment and opening the car with another key...

I began a conversation after staring at the road"So do you want me to carry you when we are there?" He looked at me red alittle embarrassed by the topic, he muttered something "well if you say so but you can just help me walk.." i smile at this, this hedgehog has not only a bad attitude, he also has a cute one too..

When we where there bakugou looked at me plus ultra embarrassed, i knew why so i went out of the car closing the door with a clank, and walked to bakugou's side seeing that it was open by him, i crouched down alittle in front of bakugou and i waited for him to hop on..."hey!! icy hot lets move.." wait was he on me? Oh hell i forgot he is so light, i got up putting my hands under bakugou's thighs and closed the car door with my foot, i went for the restaurant to be met with pair of eyes sparkling but changed when it saw the hedgehog...

"what is he doing with you? Isn't this our date?"
Yup that is it...

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