Chapter 2.1

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When I came to, I was lying down. I quickly sat up, terrified over what was happening to me. I was encased in a glass prism, which was just enough room for me to lie fetal, as I was when I awoke. I looked up and saw Natsuki standing near me.

"Natsuki, what the fuck!" I screamed, but the glass was bulletproof. Natsuki smirked and waddled over towards my cage. He placed his hands on the glass like a little kid watching animals at the zoo. I banged my fists on the glass but he did not falter.

Natsuki reached over to the wall beside my glass case and pressed a button that I couldn't see. I felt a gentle rumble below my prism. I slowly started descending, and that's when I realised I was in an elevator.

"Maji de bye-bye..." Natsuki said.

The elevator took me down one floor, and the floor I was greeted with was merely an empty room. My glass cage shattered, but I was too afraid to ponder why. I stumbled out of the elevator before it could close again and take me god knows where. "Natsuki, that cocksucker..." I grumbled. I fucking free him and this is how he repays me?! With rape drug?!!!

I take a few steps around the room and observe my surroundings. The room was lined with bookshelves and the lighting was tinted purple. That's when my eyes wandered to above...

"Tokiya?!" I exclaimed.

Tokiya Ichinose was levitating in the room, sitting cross-legged on the air. He floated down in front of me, conjuring up two podiums and a wide-screen TV with a wave of purple sparkles. He stood behind one podium and gestured for me to go behind the other. I was too intimidated to decline.

"This is a trivia battle." He announced.

"Question 1!" A voice boomed through a speaker system that was apparently in place. "Which sport is featuring in the movie Cool Running?" Tokiya slammed the buzzer before I could even comprehend the question.

"How many medals did Russia win in the 1984 L.A. Olympics?"

"None! They boycotted!" Tokiya said with a smirk.

"In which Illawarra suburb is The Gong situated in?"


The questions kept coming through but Tokiya wouldn't let up. I couldn't get a single word in. He knew everything! It's almost as if he wrote the questions himself. Question after question, he accumulated hundreds of points but I still remained at zero.

"In Meg Cabot's book Moving Day, what is Ally Finkle's #2 Rule for Girls?"

There was no buzzing sound. I saw Tokiya hesitate. Why wasn't he answering the question?! It's so easy! Everyone knows this! Quite frankly, I'm surprised a question of such simplicity is included in a game this complex. I took my chance, I slammed the buzzer. I shot Toki a glance before answering.

"This is so easy. I can't believe you haven't answered already. Tokiya, don't get a pet that poops in your hand."

"CORRECT!" A warm sensation filled my being: Satisfaction. I'd defeated the bastard man.

"Okay, Tokiya. I've got a question for you!" I declared. "If you don't answer MY question, you have to let me free. My friend John is a 7-foot-tall forty-five year old blacksmith who is constantly eating stuff. Can you determine what John eats the most?"

Tokiya scoffed, "I know this, it's a trick question! You think you can fool me? You are so dumb, you are an imbecile and a fool and I hate you! The answer is simple-!!"

I launched myself at Tokiya, punching him square in the face. When I pulled my fist back I saw blood pouring from his nose.

"Y-you! You degenerate!" HE YELLED. I scampered away towards the exit and jumped in, punching the buttons in rapid succession. I looked out and saw Tokiya rising to his feet, heading straight towards me, although unsteadily- I may have given him a concussion. The elevator moved down and I was safe.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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