Never Again

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"Hold on, this will only hurt for a moment." Tobias said, before pointing his wand at Bella's shoulder. "Episkey."  Bella let out a whimper, as her shoulder popped back into place. Leo wrapped his arms around her, tears leaking from his eyes.

"I'm sorry Bella."

"It's not your fault Leo, this was James's fault." Bella whispered curling into her brother's chest.

"I should have protected you…"

"You can't protect me from everything, and after today I don't think I want to go home."

"You still have to go home Isabella, they are still your legal guardians." Tobias said softly, getting up from the floor and walking back to the couch. He sat heavily, and waved the man at the door in. "Come in Lupin, your not stupid enough to stand dumbly in the doorway. An enraged mother bear will come to check her injured cub in about three seconds."

And in exactly that time, Remus had only just got out of the way, in time for Pernell to run in and hover over the two children. Nicholas came strolling in shortly after with a crup in his arms. He set the dog down, and it ran over to lick the children's faces, causing the children to giggle.

"Remus, if you would still like the job there are some conditions. Come with me to my office and we will discuss." Nicholas waved the man over, and lead him down the hall.

"Mama? Can I stay here? I don't want to go back tonight.." Isabella asked her adopted mother.

"Of course dear, why don't you two go play with Merlin. I'll get the spare bed set out for you." Pernell said with a small smile, watching as the two slowly made their way to the back door. "That man comes near this house, or that girl again, and I will show him why we are the most feared light family. Tobias please call Albus, I need a word with him, after I set up that bed." And with that, she twirled and left the room, leaving a chuckling Tobias behind her.

"That woman could rule the world, yet she chooses to torment the most idiotic Lord in the country. I knew there was a reason I liked her." Tobias said as he stood and moved to the fire place.


James landed with a soft thud on his office carpet, falling to his knees as soon as he landed. He gagged as he felt the bile rise in his throat, he tried to hold it back as best he could. He lost the will, after the image of what he had just done flashed through his head. He sat there until his stomach was empty. 

He vanished the bile, and rinsed his mouth, before he went to sit behind his desk. He opened the second drawer on the right and pulled out a small black box. He couldn't remember what was in the box, only that it was memories of something. Summoning his pensive, he opened the box and pulled out a vile. He stared at it for several minutes, before Lily came to get him for dinner.

"James it's time for- what is that?"

"A memory, I don't know what, but I know it's something important."

"Just forget about it, it obviously isn't that important if you can't remember." Lily said, waving it off. "Now come it's time to go get Isabella."

"She's… staying at the Flamels for a while." James said, his voice cracking. Before Lily could respond, a house elf popped into the room.

"Master James, headmaster Dumbledore is here for you." Rosie said, before quickly disappearing.

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