"Oh my god it's really them." Dominique said when she spotted them.

"Dominique since when did you turn into such a fangirl?" I laughed.

"Oh and you never been? Shall I mention Nick Jonas?"

"Okay we were 10 that's completely different!" I defended myself.

"Yeah okay, I'll take it that you've heard Jealous then. How does that make you feel?" she interrogated me, giving me a suspicious look.

"That was so funny I forgot to laugh." I said sarcastically.

"Shut up. Just get up and introduce me to them." She begged trying to pull me up off the ground but I made my body lip so it would make it difficult to be pulled up off the ground.

"Why do you always have to be so difficult?" she sighed struggling to get me up causing me to laugh out even more.

"Oh so you understand our struggle with her?" Michael's voice came from the open garage door. Looking up, Michal, Luke, Ashton, and Calum all stood in the opening of the garage door. Dominique froze. She let go of my arm causing me to fall to the ground.

"Really?" I said looking up at her, rubbing my head from hitting the floor.

"Opps sorry." She said blushing helping me up while the guys laughed.

"And who do we have the pleasure of meeting?" Ashton politely asked as we walked over to them.

"Guys this is Dominique. Aka the pain in my ass, the annoyance in my life, the stubborn bitch-" I mocked.

"I think they get the idea. And I happen to be known as the person who's put up with your bull shit since we were 5. Aka you best friend." She corrected me.

"Oh and I forgot smartass too." I added.

"Really?" she asked.

"Yes really." I said and she stuck her tongue out at me and I did the same thing back.

"Well it's really nice to finally meet you Dominique." Luke said.

"Yeah we've heard so much about you." Calum added. Dominique became very quiet. She stood there in shock, stunned that they were actually paying attention to her very existence.

"Um, is she okay?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah" I sighed and snapped my fingers in her face and she unfroze, spitting out hundred words a minute out of her mouth.

"It's amazing to meet you guys! I listen to your music all the time! You're so amazing and talented and my friends and I back home love you so much!" she rapidly talked trying to catch her breath between each sentence.

I just shook my head and gave myself the biggest face palm in the world, shaking my head to how much of a fangirl she was. But eh, I love her anyway.

"Really?" I looked at her. "You were doing so well, now they think you're a crazy fangirl." I said.

"No it's okay." Luke said. "We've seen worse."

"Oh yeah." Ashton, Calum and Michael agreed.

"But we love all our fans who like our music." Michael added.

"Like your music? That's an understatement." Dominique protested.

"Really? Because we suck." Luke said and the four of them, including myself, laughed at Luke's typical joke that has grown to become his catchphrase.

Dominique was about to say something else, but I stopped her.

"Anyway as you can see she likes your music."

"We can see that." Ashton giggled.

"Well it's nice to meet you love." Calum said and the four of them gave her a hug.

"Please don't ask for pictures, please don't as for pictures." I prayed, mumbling under my breath so no one could hear, knowing what was going to happen next.

"Do you think I can get my picture with you guys?" Dominique asked. I through my hands up in the air like I was giving up in defeat that she couldn't be any more of a fangirl right now, and turned to the stereo while she got her picture taken with the guys and talked to them about their music and asked them questions.

"Well she seems nice." Michael's voice came from behind, and startled me. Turning towards him I could over hear that they finally changed the subject and Dome (that was my nickname for her) was talking about our friendship.

"Yeah sorry about that." I blushed. "She's a lot cooler than that." I laughed.

"It's fine; it just shows how much she cares." Michael pointed out.

"So I was thinking." He added after a minute.

"You were." I gasped. "Wow I didn't know you could do that." I said, trying to hold in my laughter.

"You think you're so funny don't you?" he asked, laughing.

"Yes I do actually, and you have to admit that was pretty good."

"Eh, I've heard Luke say better." And I gave him a look that I was offended and playfully punched him in the shoulder, considering we both know Luke isn't the best at telling jokes.

"So what were you thinking about?" I asked getting back on topic.

"How we should go on a date." Michael said.

"But you're dating Geordie."

"No" he said quietly. "Not anymore."

"You did not break up with her Michael." I said looking at him. "Please tell me you didn't."

"I didn't, she did." He answered.

"What?" I asked confused to how and why that happened. "When?"

"Yesterday; she said that we were growing apart, and that there were no hard feelings."


"Because the band is becoming famous and we have to leave soon for tour, and because she knew I liked you." He said that last part so quietly I almost didn't hear him. "Besides she started talking to Ethan and they've had something going on for a while, but the same thing was happening with us so I'm not mad at her."

I stood there looking at him in shock to what he was telling me. Like honestly, this is what I wanted. I wanted Michael, but why do I feel so terrible. I should be happy right? I mean Michael and I can finally be together, but I feel like such a bitch. I got in between Geordie and Michael's relationship, it's my fault they broke up, it was my fault they we're growing apart. I feel awful, I'm such a terrible friend. How could I do that to Geordie? She was my friend, I know how happy Michael made her and I ruined that.

"Are you okay?" Michael asked me looking concerned. "We can be together now." He added.

I put down the CD albums and started to walk away, out the garage door. I need some air. I need to process this. I was about to get a boyfriend, who's my best friend and I'm walking away? Yes Lauren, do what you do best. Run away. Run away from your problems; go find a way to cope with the pain and confusion. Your problems will magically disappear on their own. Yeah right, like that ever happens, I just need time to think.

"Where are you going?" he called after me, but I didn't stop. "Aren't you going to say something?" Michael asked and I stopped.

Turning around to look at him, already half way down my drive way, I could see that everyone else was watching me. I could see the hurt in his eyes even from my distance, from what I was doing.

"I don't know what to say." I admitted and turned around walking out of the cul de sac into the rest of the neighborhood.

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