•Chapter 47•

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Boom Clap- Charlie XCX

Love Me Harder- Ariana Grande

Maps- Maroon 5

***Lauren's POV***

I was startled awake by the pilot on the loud speaker on the plane,

". . . We will be making our decent into Boston in just a few minutes. . ." He spoke.

Stretching, I looked out the window watching the Boston skyline get closer as we started to land back in my hometown. After doing a bunch of interviews back in Australia with my teammates it was now time for my interviews in America. As nice as it is to be back home it's kind of weird. I mean the last time I was in America I was leaving to move to Australia to get away from my dad, but now that he's finally out of our lives I'm returning home not only to do interviews but to chase down the only boy who I'm crazy about.

Thinking about Michael I quickly looked through my bag and found the letter Michael left for me back home along with the concert ticket and backstage pass. I was excited to see him, mainly because I was going to surprise him. The ticket was good for any concert but the only time where we were going to be in the same city was Washington D.C. plus Dominique was going to the One Direction concert in D.C. too. Which was awesome because then I can visit Dominique too.

"Lauren." I heard a low whisper coming from Andrew as he started to wake up since we've been flying all night.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"What's that?" He asked me noticing the letter in my hand.

"Oh it's the letter from Michael." I blush. I had to tell my family about it but I wouldn't let anyone read it.

"You know he was really happy for you when you were in the Olympics." Andrew told me. "He was very persistent about watching you and wouldn't shut up about how amazing you were."

"Really?" I blushed again, slightly embarrassed that I was having this conversation with my brother and the effect Michael has on me even when I'm not near him.

"Yep." he said and it grew silent for a moment between us. He glanced out the window and saw the skyline around us. "You know after mom died I never would have imagined what happened to us would have ever happen." He remarked in amazement.

"You say it likes it's a good thing." I slightly chuckle questioning him.

"Well it's obviously not, especially what dad did to you, but in a way it made us stronger." he pointed out.

"And trust less." I added. "Like come on Andrew I push people away." I told him.

"Oh come on Lauren you can't be bitter about it. Look what happened with Michael and the guys."

"Um I kind of need more of an explanation." I say.

"I've never seen you get closer or more trusting to anyone faster than with them." He said. "Since mom died I've watched you push so many people away and even though you thought you were just pushing Michael away it actually made him crazier about you." He told me.

"And you know that because?" I ask him suspiciously.

"Lauren it was pretty obvious." Andrew explained. "You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see it." he laughed and I chuckled with him.

"You know you understand a lot of my problems more than a 13 year old boy should." I laughed.

"Hey I'm your brother, I know your problems whether I want too or not, we're that close." He pointed out.

Clarity ~ m.c.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora