I got tagged!

39 0 15

I am literally dying right now! For some reason, I was tagged! Yay! Here I go I guess.

Do you like someone?

Uhh... my feelings are so messed up I don't even know. Let's go with no on that one.

Do they like you back?

The last crush I did have, they did. Point for me I guess!

Middle name?

Nope! Not a word comin' out of this mouth!

Single or taken?

Single and proud!

Girl best friend?

She is not on Wattpad so I don't want to say her name, but I have known her since I was only a few months old. She is more of a sister actually (without the fighting and living together thing).

Guy best friend?

Hard one, it's not as definite. I would probably say my friend who I have known since I was five, but we never really got close until middle school. He has been my rock through and through. (He was actually the first person I came out to!)

Favorite OTP?

Jeez, you are killing me here! Can I just list some of my favorites? Cause that's what I'm gonna do!


-BakuDeku (I will admit, more of a platonic ship)


Done, I tried to make it short.

Last person you texted?

My best (female) friend! 

Last song you listened to?

Something Wild (feat Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness) by Lindsey Stirling

Battery percentage?

Surprisingly, 73%!

Lock screen?

Reason you made Wattpad?

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Reason you made Wattpad?

First off, the sentence above is why. I didn't make Wattpad, some talented coders did that. I think the sentence should be 'Reason you made your Wattpad account' or better yet 'The reason you made your Wattpad account', but I may be picking at it too much. I started because there are some amazing people writing amazing things, but the majority are writing stuff without punctuation, or proper spelling. I started writing because I thought they had great ideas, but I wanted to read something that I felt work was put into, not something that was typed up without revision, and posted in a rush. I understand that I have done that on occasion, but I really strive to make my work professional, and if any of you see something that doesn't make sense, or I misspelled something, please tell me. 

Birth Date?

Nah, I'm good.

Twenty Tags?

Holy shit, here we go!





Bats_1213 (If she wants to do this again)



I am running out of people!




These are the people I can think of off the top of my head, and I will probably add more later, but for now, please check all these people out, they are amazing writers, and/or supporters of me, so please check out their profiles! Also, a huge thank you to Hilliard4x for tagging me, I really didn't expect this! Gotta insert self-promo, so check out my other stuff if you haven't!

Thanks for reading dreamers.


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