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I'm a big fan of Damirae and I wanted to make something so picky readers, (Like me) can read something that pleases to them. Enjoy!

                Damian sat on the couch, staring out the windows that line the outside of the tower, completely lost in thought. The black lab given to him by Raven sniffed his sock and whimpered, clearly participating in the sorrow that surrounded the young Titan. It, a strange sight to see, the least emotional one on the Teen Titans, absentmindedly staring out the window. Every time any of his teammates past by the couch, they cast him a worried glance, wondering what was going on in his head. Especially Raven.

               Raven was possibly the closest to Damian, maybe even closer to him than his father, the notorious Bruce Wayne, and the Batman. Though Bruce had sent him here, and Raven knew Damian detested his father for that. Still, the empath could sense waves of sorrow, hatred, and something that surprised her most, confusion. She reached out through the mental bond they had generated over the past few months, while they had grown closer. Sifting through the possible memories careful to not disturb his mind, she saw one floating towards her like his mind was offering her a clue to what had brought on this state of mind. She looked into the memory and saw it, immediately dropping the mug of tea she was carrying. She shook and ran up to her bedroom while the others stared at the tears coming out her eyes.

            When she had entered his mind, Damian knew. He knew what it felt like to have her in his mind. She would find it anyways, it didn't matter if he showed it to her or not. So he did. Welcoming her into his mind, he let himself think the memory, that terrible memory seared into his head. He saw Beast Boy and Raven sitting together on the couch, as the green-skinned one hugged her. Anger burst through Damian, his usually calm mind flooded with emotions. Why was he so angry? Why was he so sad? These thoughts crashed down on him, a tear in his eye. He barely heard the shatter of the ceramic against the wood flooring.

           She needed to meditate, she needed to meditate now. She forced her mind to calm down, ignoring the pain. She analyzed his memory, Even though she knew what it meant. She tried to remember his face, no, she could only bring a picture of his eyes locked with hers, at the top of a Ferris wheel, almost a year ago. She saw his emerald eyes, endless and so... enchanting. Everything about him was adorab... "No-no-no. Oh mighty Azarath, no no no, It can't be possible. "Do I have a  crush on Damian?"

          Raven marched down the stairs, her amethyst eyes flaming. She ignored the eyes of all of her teammates, lingering on her. "Damian Wayne Al Ghul!" she shouted, striding towards the newest Robin. When he turned around he found Raven basically on top of him, only inches from his face. His eyes widened with surprise. " I don't care what the fuck you say," she whispered. She shoved her lips on his, feeling the mood in the air change. As suddenly as it started, it ended, leaving everyone in the room shocked. Damian's green eyes widened even more as he watched her walk back to her room, realizing what had happened.

"Dude, you just got kissed by Raven," Jamie said, shaken by the sudden act of affection. 

"About time too" everyone turned to the owner of the voice. Nightwing stood with a big smile on his face. "Come on, it was obvious!" Damian tackled his brother, sweeping him into a hug. Smiling, he pushed him aside and ran after Raven.

            The door to Raven's room opened, and Damian thew himself at her a kissed her. The warmth of his body against hers felt so good, so right. They stood there for who knows how long. When they did separate, he smiled, and that was all she needed in the world.

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