Dead 4

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It has been nearly a year since Avery died. We are getting promoted this year, and I am truly ready to get out of this shit hole. Too many memories for me, though I am happy she had control of when she died. Therapy helped a little, but I am still not... okay. Hopefully, I will keep her with me. 

We are going to a memorial service today. It is pretty cloudy, but it hasn't rained as of yet. It never has on her birthday. I take my seat in the bleachers as the principal walks to the microphone. The sun comes out as he says the words that rocked my world so long ago.

"Avery Peregrine killed herself on November 6th, 2019. She was a great student, daughter, and... friend. She was thirteen years old. Avery, we miss you with all of our hearts."

I smile as I glance down at my arm. A memory of that day stood out as clear as day, a flower, sits right in the sunshine as I remember.


A year. My first serious crush died a year ago. I will always remember her. The memorial service hasn't started yet, but as the sun comes out, the words that made me question my world came out of the principal's mouth.

"Avery Peregrine killed herself on November 6th, 2019. She was a great student, daughter, and... friend. She was thirteen years old. Avery, we miss you with all of our hearts."

And I do. I miss her with all of my heart.


I still can't quite believe it. It more seems like she just moved away and got a new phone number. If she did, I would hate her for that. I was in denial for a long time in retrospect, and I wish I could have come to terms faster than I did. I was right though, therapy got me through my worst and brought me back to the real world. I thought I would be the strong one that didn't shed a tear, but really, I was the one that was that spiraled out of control. The words that I never truly believed were heard by my ears one last time.

"Avery Peregrine killed herself on November 6th, 2019. She was a great student, daughter, and... friend. She was thirteen years old. Avery, we miss you with all of our hearts."

I believe them now.


The memorial service was interesting. I was more touched than I thought I would be. I don't see her as the person who was an asshole, or the perfect one. I see one who was in her fantasy world, much like I was. I wish I could have known her better. The principal's words were the ones that got me the most.

"Avery Peregrine killed herself on November 6th, 2019. She was a great student, daughter, and... friend. She was thirteen years old. Avery, we miss you with all of our hearts."

The Begining

And we are done! This was a hard piece to write, but I wanted to get it out there. My friend went through a similar situation as Mia in the story, and I wanted to write this for them. Please please please, if you are feeling suicidal, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline(1-800-273-8255). I care about every one of you that reads my works, and if you ever need a stranger online, however helpful that maybe, I am here for you. Thank you for reading, leave a comment on another short story you would like me to write, and I will see you next time!


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