Chapter Two

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Th sun pierced the orange curtains. Rin sprung up to see Len still nestled in dream. They were the only two who got to have a room with another vocaloid. Rin flopped out of bed and leaped to Len's. She kneeled down beside him and raised slowly, eyes glinting maniacally. Len let out a tiny moan and opened his eyes.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" He screamed, falling out of his bed. Rin stood up, laughing like a maniac. Len stood up and slapped her. "Don't do that!"

Rin's eyes suddenly turned dark. "We will be a team, right?" Len gently punched her arm.

"Of course we are! I'm good with the mallets, which give me a slow attack. But you, on the other hand, are good with swords, which give you fast attacks. Mine are slower and stronger, your faster and weaker. We are an ideal duo," Len spouted facts until Rin brightened up.

In another room, Luka woke up with her hair flying as she darted out of bed. The creators said that they'd provide them with clothes, so she wore nothing but a tank top and shorts. Her pre-combed pink hair landed on her thick, white fabric. The tips made it to black shorts, and the light purple bow on her chest lightly brushed her arms. She ran out of the room, a piece of toast in her mouth.

In yet another room, Miku rose, green hair a mess. "Meeeeh... Luka? Luka what time is it? You should have woke-" Suddenly, she realized that she wasn't at home. "Gaaaaaaah! Morning on today!?" Miku screamed and flailed out of bed, tangled in her covers. She brought her head up to look at her alarm clock (which she never set alarms on) and saw that it was only 6:07 in the morning.

Shaking the sheets off, Miku pulled herself up and walked over to her mini kitchen area. She sat on the stool and shoved two pices of bread into the four-slot toaster. She yanked a comb through her hair. "Geez, if I wake up like this in the arena, the creators won't ever think I'm sweet!"'

In the room across the hall, Kaito knocked on the door. "Uh, Meiko? Are you awake?" There was a shuffle and then the door slid open to Meiko with combed hair and her red nightgown. Kaito stared at Meiko who then waved for him to enter.

"So, Kaito? You realize that we can't train now, right? I was actually about to get dressed for the grouping and-" Kaito grabbed her shoulder to silence her. Her rammed his lips onto Meiko's and didn't air for about 15 seconds. When they pulled apart, Meiko was shocked. "What was that?" She asked.

"I don't want to have to do that for the cameras in the arena, but I had to do that. Incase... One of us dies," Kaito explained, still looking to Meiko's eyes.

She pulled him closer and whispered into his ear. "I will protect you. I promise it." She pulled him into a hug and one last kiss before he left the girls' side of the building.

A few doors down from the room Kaito entered, Piko sat on his stool, tossing a ball against the wall repeatedly. Suddenly, a thump at the door distracted him, causing the ball to smash against his cheek. Piko fell off the stool and ran to the door. Flower and IA greeted him on the other side.

IA grabbed Piko's collar. "Listen, boy! Try to touch me and I will have Mew KILL you!" IA dropped the stunned boy and stormed off. Flowers sighed and helped Piko up. Piko walked over to his stool and gestured to the pillow-chair he had compiled the other day.

Flower sat down. "I don't know why IA tagged along. She really can be a pain. But I didn't come here seeking a teammate, either." Piko shoved a waffle into his mouth and listened carefully. Flower was known for hiding threats or tips in his speeches. Well, Piko guessed it was a he. Some people mistook himself for a girl sometimes, so he didn't want to take chances.

Flower crossed his legs and sat up straighter. "Gumi and Teto are not very strong. More specifically, Teto. Gumi has teamed with her, but she can easily be overtaken by emotions," Flower leaned closer and poked Piko's chest as he said the most important part. "I have my hands full, but you are just strong enough to take them, and you're the closest I get to trusting another, giving our current situation."

Piko swallowed the waffle. "Is that all? Or is there more?" A sadistic grin crept along Flower's usually-calm face. He leaned back in his makeshift seat, placing his arms behind his head.

"There is something I know you've been wanting to know. My gender. For that, I've got a little deal. If you can make it to the final three with me, I will tell you... Before we kill one another." Flower stood and exited the room, but not before turning and whispering "Or more correctly, before I kill you."

And with that, Piko was left with one last cold waffle, a pile of pillow shaped like a chair, and a death threat.

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