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 The girls wake up and get ready for the day then head downstairs for some breakfeast " Morning Tristan, whatcha got to eat?" Tiffany asks " We got cereal, but we aren't gonna be eating breakfeast here anyway. We're gonna eat at Cafe du monde, also just bring cash lets go." They all head out to the car and drive to the cafe. They wait in line to get seated. " We gonna be in line for a while where do you wanna go after here?" " Well I was thinking we go check out a cemetery tour, I heard that the St. Louis tour is the best one to see." Maybelle suggests "NONONO Tristan take us to Sugar-Beau!" Tiffany yells " Tristan laughs at them "I was just asking what ya'll wanted to do out of curiosity. I already have my plans set out for the day, Well for today I mean.

 " Well spill boy where you taking us?" Asks Maybelle as they get seated " I'm gonna take you to the French Quarter first thing after we are done eating, cause I wanna get Tiffany off my damn back about it, so you can meet Sugar-Beau." " That's Fantastic News! Don't you think so May?" Tiffany asks as she leans and makes big eyes at her best friend. " You are way too excited about this than you should be." " YoU'rE tOo ExCiTeD aBoUt ThIs ThAn YoU sHoUlD bE." She then smushses Mays face in her hands bringing it closer to her face " Do me a favor doll and date her, cause if you don't I sure as hell will." May scoffs at this " Yeah right, you don't even like girls, bitch." " You don't know me I could surprise you." Tiffany says with a light hearted huff.

 The waiter comes and takes their order " What can I get ya'll this morning? " Tristan orders for them all." We'll and a plate of beignets and three small black coffee, please ma'am." " Coming right up." " Thank you." " Tiffy is the only reason you want me to meet this girl, hell date her is because of her candy ?" " I mean it's not the only reason why, From what Tristan says she really does seem like your type." " Hmm yeah yeah okay whatever." After a few minuets the server comes back with their food and drinks "Thank you." they say in unison                                                    

"Try it with honey sprinkled on top of them, it makes it seem as if Tiana made them from princess and the frog."  "Okay I'll try it." Maybelle says as she puts honey on top of her food and takes a bite out of it " Holy crap Tiff try this." She doesn't give Tiffany a chance to reply before she is shoving the beignet in her mouth. " Fuck you tryna do bitch, kill me?!" She yells as she tries to catch her breath from coughing " Sorry my bad." " Now lets try that again." Tiffany says as she takes a bite of the food " This is so sweet I love them, you need to be sending me these foods how dare you not send me heaven in dough form Tristan." " After we go see Sugar I'll take you to the St. Louis cemetery tour it's really cool. Then after we go home Sugar-Beau is coming over after she gets off work to have dinner with us. She's gonna make her moms craw fish dinner.

" That sounds like a good day, lets get to steppin." Tiffany says as she shoots up outta the chair,  heading to the counter to pay with the money Tristan gave her. " I swear that girl is too happy." Maybelle laughs as she watches her best friend wait for them outside the cafe and they catch up with her. " Tiffy here says that miss Sugar-Beau is your ex, what happened?"  "Ah nothing really major, we just realized we was better business partners than we ever were as a couple. Trust there's nothing going on between us." " How about we skip the tour today and do that tomorrow, I wanna take pictures around the plantation. " That's fine we don't have to see it today." " UGHHH  I don't care what ya'll do today, I wanna meet Sugar-Beau I'm BORED." " You know I wanna meet her too so you can shut up." Tiffany sees this as a win and jumps on Maybelle and kisses her cheek. " Lead the way Tristan!" 

They start to walk on the cobblestone road. " Anyone ever tell you that eating too much candy can give you cavities?" " OH that's rich coming from you May, miss I had horrible cavities and had to have braces for three years." And with that Maybelle throws Tiffany off her back. " For that comment you walking the rest of the way." " That was unnecessary May, look what you made me do, Now my head hurts." " Yeah well deal with that." Maybelle says back " Come on you two, her store is right up the block." After hearing Tristan say that, Tiffany runs down the block. Once she is at the door she smooths out her shirt before calmly walking into the store. " This is what heaven must look like." She says with awe. " Hi miss what can I get for you today? "                   

" Everything , but I was wondering where I could find Sugar-Beau? " " Oh well I'm her." " Oh cool cool, I'm Tristans cousin." " Right he said his cousin and her friend would be visiting. You must be Tiffany?" Tiffany nods " Yeah he told me all about ya'll, I got this bag full of candy just for you with your name on it back at my place. Where's your friend?" " I speed walked so they'll be here in a minute." There's a jingle at the door with Tristan and Maybelle walking in. " That her?" Sugar-Beau asks as she looks upon the girl with wavy red hair that has a smile that could make the angels sing. " She's gorgeous." She whispers " Hey ya'll, you must be Maybelle." She says as she reaches out to shake her hand. Maybelle is shook in place stunned at the beautiful sight of the woman standing in front of her with her her beautiful long lavender colored hair with big brown eyes. Her voices catches in her throat " Yes .. yes I'm Maybelle, you're really pretty."  She blushes " You are too." They both smile at each other just staring at each other until Tristan interups them.

" This one has just been dying to come see you and your shop, and this one has been curious about meeting you." He says as he is pointing to both girls. " You still coming over for dinner tonight?" " Yes sir I am, I'm bringing my mamas favorite craw fish dinner. Wanna try some candy?I bet he didn't tell you I made fudge as well." " You make fudge? Move Tristan. " She says as she pushes her cousin out of the way to make her way over to the fudge counter. May and Sugar-Beau go over there as well, She picks up a piece of fudge " This is my most popular fudge people get here, wanna try a bite?" She asks Maybelle while looking at her lips Maybelle smiles at her " Sure." Sugar-Beau puts the fudge in her mouth to take a bite " It's peppermint." At this point Maybelle is too gay to function, Tiffany sees that and saves her best friend from her own embarrassment. " Bitch come over here and try these gummy bears." She then whispers in her ear " Bitch what the hell was all that about?" " Shut up Tiffany, gimme those gummy bears." She says as she stuffs the candy in her mouth.


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