On the road

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  "All my stuff is packed up and ready to go. I can't wait, this trip is gonna be amazing." Maybelle says excitingly while putting food all on her plate. " Well I hope you two stay out of trouble and have a good time. This will be good for you May, do you guys know where you are going first?" Jack asks while he cuts up his sausage. " Yeah actually, originally we were going to visit Atlanta first but then we both realized we've already been there bunch of times. So we are going to New Orleans as our first destination, we don't know where we are gonna go next but we have money all set up from Tiffys Uncle Bryan so we won't be stranded no where cause of that." " Doesn't she have family down there?" Marina asks while sitting down and eating her breakfest. " Yes ma'am she does. We are gonna be staying with her older cousin at their house, from what she said they practically live in a mansion but it was just inherited."

There is a knock at the door and Maybelle can see through the window that it's Tiffany. She jumps out of her chair to let her in " Hey Maybelle you got your stuff ready? " Yep all by the door, We can go right after I finish eating." She says as she goes back to sit down at the table. " Okay cool, while you do that I'm gonna pack your stuff in the car." " You want any help with that Tiffany? Jack asks " No thank you Mr. Rogers sit with your family I got it handled." Tiffany says sweetly as she grabs all three of Maybelles bags and drags them out to the car. While Maybelle finishes up eating " How long are you girls gonna be on the road?" Asks Marina.                                    

" Well for this destination to New Orleans we will be on the road for eight hours. It won't be that bad cause after the first four hours of me driving we'll switch places and May will drive the rest of the way." Then Maybelle says " We don't know where we will go next but I will definitely call you guys before we leave New Orleans. Well I think I am already to get going. I love you guys so much." Maybelle says with a big smile and gives last hugs and kisses to her family. " Bye love ya'll she says as she and Tiffany leave the house and get in the car. " This is gonna be so great. 

They get in the car and leave the house after about an hour or so has passed and Maybelle wakes up from her nap" How long was I asleep for?" " Just about an hour, didn't think you'd be so sleepy you seemed so awake at your house." " Yeah well I did wake up at five thirty in the morning so gimme a break." " There's no need to be cranky jeez. " Tiff says as she rolls her eyes.  "Well now that you are awake, I might as well bring it up." " Bring what up Tiff? "Soooo.....you know my cousin Tristan the one I was telling you about that lives down in New Orleans?" " Yeah what about him?" Maybelle asks curiously as she turns to look at her friend.  " Well....Tristan got this friend I think you'll like May." " Oh yeah, and what makes you say that?" May asks letting a small laugh pass her. " Well she is twenty four years old just a year older than us from what he says she is super pretty and funny and just you're type." 

" GIRL I just came out last month now all a sudden you trying to set me up with some woman I never met before." " Oh Please child you might have just came out, but you surely did not hide that you were into girls. You were so obvious it was ridiculous." " That's just rude Tiffany." Maybelle says slightly offended " Look I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I'm just saying at least to me it wasn't at all surprising when you told me you were into girls. I mean all you would talk about in school were how pretty the girls were there but I never pushed cause I didn't want to make you feel as if you had to tell me I wanted you to tell me and other people when you were good and ready."                                                                                                                                                                    " Yeah yeah whatever now who is this mystery girl you trying to tell me about?" Maybelle asks with a wave of her hand " Nah now you just gonna have to find out for yourself. I was gonna tell you all about her and what she looks like but now you'll just have to get to know her like that on your own. " Tiffany laughs " Tiffy pleaseeeee pretty please " Maybelle begs 

" Fine I'll tell you a little bit about her but I warn you, you not gonna find her social media. Now anyway her name is Sugar-Beau Morese she likes to sew and she makes home made candy at the store that she owns and runs, shes like six feet tall really sweet and likes swimming. That's all you  are gonna get outta me you'll just have to meet her yourself to know the rest." Tiffany says straight to the point. " Tiff." " Yes May." " How does Tristan know this girl?" Tiffany hesitates before answering " She's is his ex, but they never did anything together and they are still really good friends." " Oh Tiffany come you can't be serious, I'm not about to try and go out with your cousins ex. Besides I thought you said she was into girls?" " I never said that May don't go on assuming, now she is into girls but she also likes guys as well. She's Pansexual. 

Maybelle scoffs at this " That's just a made up sexuality to make people think they are better than bi people. Bi and pan are the same thing, I don't get why people need a label for every little thing." she says as she gets into her bag and eats a fruit roll up. " You better get all this outta your system now before you meet her, cause that's mean as hell. Yeah some sexuality definitions overlap each other but the distinction between them matters to people and makes them feel happy. It costs you nothing to be kind to people. Gimme a on please." Maybelle hands her a unwrapped fruit roll up.                                                                                                                                                    " Thank you, But back to what I was saying that's like me saying there's no such thing as gay people they are just special snow flakes and are going to hell. Just cause you are gay doesn't mean you get a pass to be mean to other people. Look all I'm saying is keep your opinions to yourself." " Okay I hear you how about this we got a few more hours til I get to drive I can just educate myself on it on Youtube and everything else." " Yeah you go on and do that." With that Maybelle watches documentaries on the Stonewall Riot and other Historical movement the LGBT movement have done for society and learns about pansexuality so she can be a better person in general and not be a total ass.

" I thinks that's enough education for now I'm starting to get depressed about it all." " Well did you learn anything from it?" Tiffany asks  " Yeah I did, have you ever heard of the Stonewall Riot?" " Kinda I know it had something to do with the LGBT community and I guess it was a riot because it has riot in the name. But that's about it." " How you gonna get on me about being uneducated when you don't even know about Stonewall?" " Oh I can Tell you why, First of all allot of people are uneducated about Stonewall REGARDLESS of: Sexuality, gender, and ethnicity. So you are really calling yourself out with that one. Second you were being an ass and I wasn't about to listen to all that when I know you have the ability to educate yourself. THAT'S WHY! Assumption kill people May" 

Obviously deflecting from the awkwardness Maybelle changes the subject on a happier note " You said she owns a candy shop?" " Yeah she does Tris said she also got adult candy that has booze in them that she sells I don't think you'll like those as much but she has almost anything you can think of he sent me some candy one time its really yummy." " Well I most certainly can't wait to try that." She says with a smile and then proceeds to watch Brooklyn 99 on her phone until its her turn to drive.


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