Tricks and Talents (Connor × Reader)

Start from the beginning

“I was just wondering. I’m Y/N, by the
way,” You held out your hand, waiting patiently for his answer. He tilted his head, probably scanning you, or calculating something in his head again. As he did, for the first time you found yourself concentrating on his face.

Up this close, you could see the details. His smooth skin, marked slightly with a freckle, for what you could only assume was realism. Brown eyes that flashed with programmed emotions, even his hair fell like it was styled by a human. A human with very good taste- Jesus, was it possible for CyberLife to create an ugly android? He looked like a cover model.

“My name is Connor. I’m the android sent by CyberLife. As for my coin, it helps keeps my reflexes alert, and my sensors running.” Made sense. With a job like his, you couldn’t risk slacking. A hostage situation, a fight. He could probably predict where the coin was going to land before he even threw it. God knows what that kind of power of calculations could do in the field.
But you didn’t concentrate on that. Your mind, instead, went to the movements. So fluid and easy. Like he’d trained and practised over and over.

“That’s so cool,” You gushed, swearing you nearly caught a flash of surprise in his eyes before you continued.
“Do you know other tricks like that?” He opened his mouth to answer you, but couldn’t get a word in before a loud snort caught both of your attention.

“Depends. Do you count creepy blood tasting as a trick?” Dripping with sarcasm, Hank’s voice travelled over your desks and screens. Quickly turning it off, you and Connor found Hank staring at you with a half smile. Your nose scrunched up in disgust.
“Nope, but thanks for the image, Frank.” You called him by the wrong name, regarding him with a frown as you turned back to Connor. Hank was probably just bullshitting you, but… still…

“…Can you do that?” Your heart caught as Connor once again hesitated. What? He did what?
“Yes, but the purpose is not to taste. It is to analyze. Be it blood, acid or the likes.” He explained, and you nodded along, only really half getting it. You weren’t sure how to respond to that.
“Oh. Neat.” Was all you said, before Hank slouched back in his seat, a look of utter disgust.

“Of course you think that’s ‘neat’.” Hank groaned, bringing his hands to his face as you leaned over in your chair to look at him. God, what a drama queen.

“Everyone has their talents, Hank. Even weird ones.” To anyone else, it would have sounded like a simple defence. But you’d known Hank a while. A long while. Long enough for him to know your particular skillset well.

“We’re well aware, Y/L/N.” He shot back, before pulling up his screen. He wasn’t about to get any deeper into this rabbit hole, and you both knew it.

“Do you have a trick, Y/N?” Connor asked, likely out of politeness. The grin on your face had not even reached your ears before you heard Hank groan in disgust. He knew what was coming. Your smile turned mischievous. Not a talent, but a trick?

“You could certainly say that.” You laughed, and when Connor looked on confused, you explained.

“I can drink orange juice, through my nose. With a straw.” You announced it proudly, ready for his face to blanch or wrinkle in disgust. But you forgot you were dealing with an android. Instead, he stared at you, with interest clearly taken.

“I… have not heard of that before. Just orange juice?” He inquired, a genuine curiosity to his voice that nearly made you laugh.

“Nope, other stuff too, like soda or water…” You explained, ready to list them off before you paused. Hank already knew what was coming.
“Do you want to see?” Connor had no time to respond before he was interrupted, desperately so.

“God- Don’t do this again!” Hank bemoaned, an almost pleading tone to his voice. You rolled your eyes dramatically. He’d already seen it, like, a billion times. Of all the things to get squeamish over…

“I am… curious.” Connor conceded with the slightest hint of a smile in the corner of his lips. And if you didn’t know any better, you would have thought he was purposefully trying to gross out Hank. That was impossible, of course, but it didn’t make the thought any less sweet.

Oh yeah.

This would be funny.

“Give me a quarter and five minutes and I’ll be ready.” Connor complied with your request, hand in his pocket before you’d even finished speaking. Hank could even start with his complaints before you were up from your seat, your mission set in your mind.

“Don’t you fucking do this! You have work to do!” He bargained, drawing the brief attention of co-workers who were used to this shtick. It was already far too late, your hand in the air, waving goodbye.

“Hank, as your co-worker and friend I’m legally obligated to fuck with you at every opportunity!” You called back, stifling a giggle as Connor tilted his head again.

“That is not a law I’ve heard-”

“Shut up, Connor.” Was the last thing you heard before you were out of earshot, on a beeline towards the nearest vending machine.

Man, maybe having a CyberLife android present in your workplace would screw with things a little.

But with one so cute and willing to at least assist you in fucking with your coworkers? That was hard to have any negative feelings about.

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