Yugi's POV

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I'm sure I must look like a love struck teenage girl as I continued to read another email from Yami. Over this past week, we have emailed at least once a day and I admit, he's very sweet and caring. He certainly shares similarities with Atemu and that made me feel calm when i was nervous at first. I'd say the only difference between himself and Atemu, is Yami is much more excitable. 

It made me smile more, thinking back to when we first met and with each email we send, I feel our connection growing more. I'm not sure if i should ask if he has expereinced any weird dreams. "What's with the really weird look?" I looked up from my phone, seeing Emi looking at me confused. We stayed silent for moment before shurgging and continuing to get her things together. "Well, whatever it is I'm glad you've cheered up a bit." 

"You're picking up Joey and Kaiba today right?" I asked trying to hide my phone. I can't say if sis would be happy knowing I'm speaking to a stranger. Though I don't think he is. Emi nodded, humming as she got her shoes on. "Want me to get some food sorted for tonight?" 

"If you could get me some things from the store," Emi smiled brightly. "I'll make us a hot pot tonight." My ears perked up. Sweet, I love hot pot. "The love birds will be landing tonight, so I'm working overtime. I'll send you a list of what to grab for dinner. See you later." 

I waved until I head the click of the door, flopping back onto the sofa and proceeding to email Yami. Oh, a new mail already? I opened the mail and Yami explained he was in Japan again, having landed last night. No wonder he was quiet last night. I felt my ears heat up. I can't believe he's back so soon. My fingers typed furiously as I responded saying I need to head out today and seeing if he wants to meet up. After all, we never got that coffee. 


Within half an hour, I found myself in town, waiting under the clock for Yami to show up. My smile was wide and my heart pounded, as if this was the first time we were meeting. I looked up to the sky, not a single cloud anywhere.  

"Hey Yugi," I jumped, turning my attention to Yami. He was dressed very business like and I will admit, he looks good in a suit. 

"Hiya Yami," I greeted. "How are you?"

I saw him blush a bit; "Honestly, my day just got a lot better seeing you."

Now I blushed. This feels like a dream, which was interrupted by my phone vibrating. I sighed, grabbing my phone seeing the list of groceries Emi wanted me to grab. Crap forgot I've agreed to go food shopping. "Sorry Yami, I don;t think I'll have time to grab coffee," I sighed. "I have to grab some groceries." 

Yami placed a hand on his chin. "I have nothing else planned fr the rest of the day," He started snapping his fingers. "How about I keep you company?" 

I'm pretty sure my blush just deepened. I nodded and we made our way to the store. 


After finishing the grocery shopping, I invited Yami back to our house for that coffee. I wanted to make sure the food I got was refrigerated as soon as possible while still having time with him so this was the best solution I could think of. 

I left him in the living room as I put the groceries away. I could hear him shuffling about, probably looking at the photos on the wall. I hummed to myself, I wonder if our place is bringing back any memories. If they do, then hes got to be Atemu right? 

I made us some coffee before taking it in to him. I smiled, seeing him going through the photos on the wall as I thought. I walked over to him, coffee in hand but as i reached out to pass him the cup, he turned, knocking the cup to the floor. "I-I'm so sorry," He stammered and i tried to calm him down. 

In a panic he lent forward to me, but must have tripped and next thing i knew, i could feel a weight being pressed on me and a warmth on my neck. "Um, Yug, what's Yami doing on top of ya?" 

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