Gwen is Missing

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Third Person Speaking- " Oh yes. Hello darlings. It has been a while since we have seen each other. We will have to catch up later." Madame Kovarian said with a smirk.

" No. You can't be here. I killed you. Remember." Amy said

" Oh, sweet little Amelia Pond that was in a whole different dimension which no longer exists." She replied.

"Just get to the point and tell us what you want." the Doctor said angrily.

" Oh Doctor, incase you haven't noticed, you are still alive and as you know I want you dead." she said

" Well nothing has changed there." the Doctor said sarcastically

" I need a weapon and fortunately you have one. I need Gwen. She is full time lord which makes her well, as strong as you." she said coldly

" Don't you dare touch or harm her in any way. I will not let you take her and do to her what you did to Melody." the Doctor said as he looked over at River.

"Of course I have a well thought out plan. I have had a long time to plan for what I am about to do." she said.

" So why are you telling us?" the Doctor asked

" It's more fun that way. You can protect her from this all you want but when the moment comes and I take her from you, you will feel even worse." she said with a cackle before they all her a loud beeping sound and she wasn't there anymore.

" Don't worry Gwen, I will to everything in my power to insure you safety from her." the Doctor said sweetly.

" I know but it sounds like she has already won." Gwen said doubtfully. "So that was the same woman that took my mom when she was little?"

" Yes." the Doctor replied

" I will never forgive her." Amy said

" Aside from me attempting to kill the Doctor twice I don't think her plan went very well all those years ago." River said as the Doctor chuckled.

" Time lords aren't weapons though. They are people. They can be strong but not all of them are evil." the Doctor said

" I don't want to be a weapon." Gwen said sadly.

" Don't worry. I promise you will never be a weapon." the Doctor said reassuring

" Don't make promises you can't keep." Gwen said looking at the ground still worried.


Gwen Speaking-  It has been months since Madame Kovarian's threat. I am starting to wonder if she really did have a plan or not. Maybe she was just trying to scare us.

"Dad!" I shouted as I walked into the TARDIS control room.

" Yes?" I heard a distance voice

" Where are you?" I asked.

" I'm down here." I heard him say as I looked down at the glass floor and saw his face through it. I walked down the stairs and saw him in silly goggles fixing a loose wire. I smiled at how funny he looked.

" Hey, so the lights in my room have gone out." I said still trying not to laugh at the goggles.

" Oh, you might need to change the bulbs. There is a closet at the end of that hallway with light bulbs." he said pointing to the hallway behind him.

" Thanks." I said as I started walking down the hallway. When I got to the end of the hallway I opened the closet and saw a box of light bulbs so I bent over and picked it up. When I turned around I saw a bright light before I blacked out completely.

Doctor Speaking- It has been a while since I have seen Gwen. Maybe I should check and see if she found the light bulbs. I walked down the hallway to find a tipped over box with smashed light bulbs everywhere. Gwen must have dropped it. Why didn't she tell me or at least clean it up. I guess I  should go and talk to her. She is probably in her room. I went to her room and she wasn't there. I started looking all around the TARDIS for her and asked everybody else if they had seen her but I still couldn't find her. I was panicking so I did a scan for her in the control room and it said she wasn't on board. Gwen has been taken.

The Doctors Daughter (Doctor Who Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang