Fighting the Daleks

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Doctor Speaking- Why did it have to be the Daleks out of nasty alien in the universe it had to be them. My brain is about to explode. My mind is racing with ideas on how to kills the Daleks but at the same time I'm thinking about Gwen. Soon she will have to know who her mother is and I don't know how to tell her that she has mom in jail who plays around with guns. That is going to be a tricky one. I mean I'm still freaking out about having a daughter. I have had children before but the thing is I have never had a teenage girl before. I have heard that they are just drama, emotion and romance wrapped up into one person. Sounds horrible!

" Let me do a scan in the TARDIS and see where all the Dalek are hiding because they are in that glass ship. When I scanned them early I only knew it was them because of the technology so I don't know yet where they are all hiding." I said

" Why would they want to burn up the earth?" Gwen asked

" Like I said they are filled with hate so anything that is not pure Dalek they want to destroy." I replied

" How would they burn up they entire earth with only one spaceship?" Amy asked

" They have millions of them all over the world so if the shot a heat ray down at any one of them then it would reflect onto all of the others and heat up the entire planet." I said. " Bingo, I found them. We got lucky. There is only one ship probably containing well...........judging by its size maybe 10."

" Is that good or bad?" Gwen asked

" Well lets just say that it could have been worse." I said with a staight face. I landed us on the Dalek's ship. When we stepped out there was 5 of them instantly pointing ther little guns at us.

" It is the Doctor and his companions EXTERMINATE!!" one of the yellow Daleks said. Before we could run back into the TARDIS it disappeared.

" Hey what did you do with my TARDIS?" I asked angry now

" It has been teleported to a secured area." another red one of the Daleks said.

" Scanner says that there are 2 time lords in this room. EXPLAIN!!!" the yellow Dalek said

" Oh you are going to love this. Say hello to my daughter." I said pointing to Gwen."Now you have 2 time lords making sure you don't rule the universe. Ha ha." I said laughing

" The doctor and his daughter will be EXTERMINATED!" the red Dalek said

" RUN!!!" I said grabbing Gwen's hand and running down a hallway with Rory,Amy and the Daleks right behind us. We ran into a room and locked it behind Me, Gwen, Amy and Rory. " Yes!!!" I said as a looked around the room

" What?" Gwen asked

" This is the control room for the ships so if we reverse the ships we can make the Daleks burn up instead of earth." I said

" Let's do it." Rory said

" What do you need us to do?" asked Gwen

" You three need to hold down those 3 levers in that corner while I steer the ships." I said

" Simple enough." Amy said. I got the ships all lined up next to the Dalek ship It would take 5 minutes for the heat ray to blast so thats how much time we had to find the TARDIS and get off the ship. I heard the Daleks still outside the door so I began to look for another way out. I pulled down a curtain and out of luck ther was the TARDIS. I pushed the button that activated the heat ray and we all ran into the TARDIS. WE looked out of the Tardis doors and saw the Dalek ship blow up as we floated back off into space. I felt good defeating the Daleks so simply. Usually it would take forever.

" So Gwen how did you enjoy you first trip through space?" I asked eagerly

" I was amazing. I guess I wouldn't mind staying and traveling with you after all." Gwen said smiling.


Author's note- Hope you like it. Leave comment on what the next place they go to should be. And don't forget to vote and fan! Thanks for reading!

The Doctors Daughter (Doctor Who Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin