The Doctors Daughter

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Gwen's POV - Hello my name is Guinevere Parks. My friends call me least they would if I had any... Anyway! I am 15 years old , I have long brown hair and hazel eyes. Pretty basic, I know. I live in London on a small street in the middle of a big city. A very peaceful bubble of silence in the middle of chaos. Not too shabby for a foster kid. Which brings me to the next thing you should know... I have two foster parents, Amanda and Jillian Parks. I've lived with them for so long, that I took up there last name when I didn't have one.

Yeah, that's right. Classic story. Parents left me when I was a new-born, left me with a name sewn into my blanket. No last name. No middle name. Just a first.

Coulda been worse I guess. Dropped off near a CPS office, where an intern heard me crying, I was lucky . She found me caught in a tree... Like seriously, who leaves their newborn hanging from a pine branch?! They made a song about me, called Rock a bye Baby. Only I didn't fall. I was gently lifted down.

Sorry i'm getting off track. Anyway, so basically my parents sound like some crack heads who decided to have a baby right? I know it's kinda harsh, but I have a right to be angry at the world. All I've ever wanted are some answers and I've never found anything about where I came from. Now don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for the families I've gone through over the years. I just can't help but wonder if there's someone out there I belong to by blood.


" So, where are we going today." Amy said in her loud Scottish accent

" I don't know. After I finish fixing this I was thinking about taking us to see my good friend Winston Churchill. I promised him that I would come around and a cigar with him sometime." 

"Aww I remeber Winston! I wonder how he's doing."

" I fixed it!" I said very loudly, proud of myself. A compressor was shorting in the TARDIS and it was throwing the year off on all my trips" Come on lets go visit our good old buddy" I started to fly my pretty toy, when we started shaking all about(more than usual).

" What's going on?!" Rory yelled as he clung to the handles of the staircase.

" I don't.........." I said before we crashed in a blaze of sparks and smoke. I looked at the scanner and saw that we were in the middle of London. What have you done now Iris? I dashed to the door opening them slower than I usually do. We were in the middle of a backyard. Amy and Rory stepped out after me.

" We are on earth, yeah?" Amy asked

" Yeah, we are in London." I said as I inspected the house in front of us

" But why would the TARDIS bring us here?' Rory asked

" I don't know but it probably has something to do with this house." I said walking towards it.

" Don't bother the people in the house Doctor. Because we will have to explain why there is a big blue police box in their backyard." Amy said in her mother-like tone

" Well the Tardis won't let me leave until I find out." I said as we all sat down on a stone bench.

Gwen's POV- I just heard a huge crash outside. My parents are at work and I'm home alone. I don't know if I should go and see what it is.............OK I can't help it, I have to go and see! Nothing ever exciting ever happens around here. I walked down stairs and slowly looked through the back door window. 

       There are two guys and a woman sitting on my bench next to a big blue police box with smoke coming out of it. What kinda scam is this. What are they trying to sell? Maybe I should talk to them. I don't talk to people much. It hurts my head. People are stupid. But I guess this is the only way to get them to leave.

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