Chapter 37

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Okay, I need to do this. For Betty.

Just as we were about to go in and save her, I thought of something. Shit, the cameras.

*over earpiece*
J: Wait, Fangs, can you do something?
F: Of course Jug, name it and I'll try to do it to the best of my ability.
J: We can't get in there without being seen on the cameras. Could you-
F: Loop the outside cameras?
J: Perfect. Thanks Fangs.
F: Of course. Give me a second and I'll tell you when.
F: *a few minutes later* Okay. All set.
J: Wow, that was pretty fast, thanks.
F: No problem boss, it's what I do.

I signal to Toni, Archie, and Sweet Pea telling them that we're all set to go. They get the message and signal to their groups. Toni unlocks the gate and we slowly move in. I see a few guards and signal to Sweet Pea and he sees them. We sneak behind them and knock them out, our group members moving and placing them in our truck.

Since Toni is amazing at blending in with the others, she confidently walks up to the main guards at the door and easily knocked them out. She motions to us that it's all set and I have Archie stay with a few of the people in my group at the truck to keep watch. When we get in, there are tons of guards everywhere. Well, at least it looks like we're at the right place. Mostly everyone goes and fights the Ghoulies while I meet Toni with a few of the people in my group and some from her group at a door.

*over earpiece*

F: Toni, Jug, that's it.
J: Thanks.
*off earpiece*

T: Are you sure that you're ready for this
J: *sighs* Yeah.
T: Okay.


Word Count: 307
Sorry for another filler, I promise this is the last one, the next one will have the drama.

Love you 💜💜

~ Alexa 💕

Out of the Woods | Bughead ✔︎Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora