When he reached the elevator I thought he was going to leave or something, but he picked up the two cans that were left and started chasing me with them!

“Hey! No fair!” I screamed looking back at him, seeing the evil smirk playing on his lips.

I was running as fast as I could around the roof, in only a matter of seconds Harry had me pinned to the floor while he sat on me. 

“Harry get off!” I sad trying to get out of his grasp, although I know it’s no use.  With a can in each hand, he dipped them both in and brought is hands up to my face.

“No, stop! I’ll do anything!” I told him, but it was too late.  He rubbed his hands all over my face and hair then grabbed the cans quickly stood up and pored the paint all over my body.  Looking down at my body I look like a colorful mess.

Harry was just laughing the whole time and in one quick movement I got up and ran towards him with wide arms.

“Come here, Harry.  I want to give you a hug.” I put my arms around him before he could run away.  

“Hannah!!” He screamed.

“Harry!” I mocked him, like he had done to me.  Giving him one last look before putting, I  smile and walk towards the elevator.

“This isn’t over Han” He said to me.  The way he said my name with that accent made my heart melt, he must have this affect on all girls using his british charm on everyone, it totally worked.

“Sure thing” I smile weakly at him. 

“You know that we cant go back inside like this right” He said like it is the most obvious thing in the world.  I pretended not to hear him, but looking down at my body and realizing that we would be caught the second we stepped out of the elevator.

“Ugh.  You’re right, maybe we could call Kim or Lilly and they could bring us a change of clothes” I told him, thinking it was a brilliant idea.

“Umm I don’t know if you have noticed but I won’t fit into your girl clothes” Harry said sarcastically.

“You look pretty skinny to me” I wink at him, with a little laugh. 

“We could always just take off our clothes and go naked” He said, making me feel awkward.

“Yeah, that’s not happening either” I said looking away.

Harry pulled out his Iphone; which has a little splash of paint.  He tapped it a couple of times then put it up to his ear and waited.  A few seconds later he started speaking into it. “Hey Liam ... Yeah we are still on the roof top ... Well there was a bit of an accent and we need a new change of clothes ... she’s fine, God Li it’s not like I hurt her ... just bring me clothes and can you go to their room and bring something for Han? ... Oh and bring two towels and take the stairs so you don’t get caught in the elevator camera’s ... Thanks Liam”. Harry snapped his phone, turned to me and smiled. 

“He should be here in a few minutes” 

“Thanks Harry” I smiled looking into his eyes.

“No problem, it is going to be your birthday soon aways right?” He said walking right up to me. 

“Yes, I-I guess so” I stuttered taking a step back. He winked at me and grabbed me hand.  At that moved my heart start beating abnormally fast.  He pulled me with him while he started walking towards one of edges.  He let go of my hand - which suddenly felt cold - and leaped on top of the low wall patting the spot next to him.  I followed his movement turned my body a bit towards the other side, looking down at the city.

“Wow we are really high up” I said in awe.

“I know, quite cool isn it?” He smiled looking around him.  Unable to speak taking in everything around me, I nodded my head.

“So what did you ask for your birthday?” Harry suddenly asked, seeming curious.

“Well, for one I asked my parents to stay at this hotel” I told him.

“Because you knew we were staying here?” He smirked at me.

“Don’t flatter yourself there.  Nope actually I’ve just always wanted to stay here, I had no idea you guys were staying here.  To honest I don’t know too much about you guys” I said as a matter of faculty.

“Well if you ever wanna know just ask” He smiled at me. “What else do you want” He asked, with wonder in his eyes.

“Nothing really, meeting you guys is really cool.  I can’t lie this is one of the best birthday’s ever” I smiled looking away.

“And it hasn’t even started” He said warmly. 


Authors Note:

Hey guys! If you like this story please comment and tell me your opinion & if I should keep writing! :D 

- Tatiana xx

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