Chapter 4

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Amy's P.O.V.

I walked down the halls of Whiteridge University. Today was my first day of classes, and I couldn't be more confused. Not about my classes, but about my feelings. I was excited to be going to college, but I was still upset and secretly wished I could find Y/n. Nathan and I shared a few classes together thankfully, so I would know someone in class.

I kept walking towards my world history class with my head down, contemplating my my situation when I bumped into someone while crossing an intersecting hallway. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." I turn to face the individual I hit and fell silent.

His H/c hair and E/c eyes were as handsome as I remembered, and when he spoke, his voice still carried the same kindness he showed to everyone he met. "Don't worry, I'm the one who should apologize. I did walk in front of you." He still spoke with the same self-deprecating tone he refused to stop using. It was Y/n. He looked over to me and immediately his sheepish smile fell from his face as his eyes met mine.

The uncomfortable silence that formed between us loomed overhead like a heavy fog. I had gone through countless scenarios in my head, wondering exactly what I would say to him when I saw him. But now that I was here, every apology and request I had thought of escaped me.

"...Amy, how are you?" Y/n muttered in an attempt to break the silence.

"I'm... Good."

The silence settled around us once more.

"Amy!!" I heard someone shout my name from down the hall. I turned to see Nathan jogging towards me. He slowed when he got near me. I could see the warm caring smile on his face from down the hall.

"Amy, do you wanna walk to class together?" He asked, unaware of the situation I was in. He turned to see Y/n staring at us like a deer in headlights.

"Oh, shit! Uh... Y/n, what are you doing here?" Nathan asked him, sounding just as nervous as I felt. Y/n muttered, "I was just headed to class. It was nice seeing you!" He turned on his heel and walked as quickly as possible down the hall. Nathan looked at me and asked what happened. I told him about how I bumped into him on my way to history.

"Well we should get to class. We can talk about this later." I nodded and we both headed towards the classroom.

We both headed to our history class together, preocupied with what just happened. Nathan pushed open the door only to see Y/n sitting near the front of the class. He glanced at us with a nervous expression on his face before whipping around to stare at the wall. How was I supposed to talk to Y/n when he wouldn't even look at me?


Class was finally over, so I hurried over to the door to stop Y/n from leaving but before I could, he rushed to the door, threw it open and ran away. I and a few other students stare at his retreating form for a few seconds. I opened the door and dragged myself through. There goes my chance to talk to him.

I shake my head quickly, trying to get the doubts out of my head. I can't give up now. I will make it up to him and I will be there for him. I just hope he'll give me the chance.

A/n Sorry everyone for the wait. I have no excuse for how long this took. I just had things to do and I pushed my writing aside thinking "I can't write at the moment, I have other things." I was just lazy and tired. But I'm going to try to update each of my stories at least once a month. I'm aiming for about twice a month, but we'll see how that goes.

If you haven't read my Miraculous Ladybug story maybe give it a try, I'm really excited for where I'm taking it. It's going to break away from the main plot after the season 3(?) finale where (spoilers) Marinette becomes the guardian of the miraculous. But anyway, thank you all for being patient. I'm gonna start writing my next chapter starting Saturday. Thanks again. Peace.

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