Chapter 6

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A/n Hello once again. I told you I would return soon.


Y/n's POV

It's been about a week since Amy and Nathan confronted me and I tore into them. So far, things have been alright. Amy has been speaking to me more, greeting me in the halls and such. I don't know why she's doing that, maybe she thinks that because I was cordial with her when she returned my stuff to me. Of course I was, I needed my stuff back. 

Anyway, I'm headed to my science class right now. Amy is sitting down next to Nathan, waving at me as I pass. To be polite, I give her a small wave before taking my seat. Class hasn't started yet, so I pull out my phone and check my social media. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Amy walking up to me.

"Hey, Y/n."

"Hello Amy." 

"So, there's a party happening this Friday. I was hoping you would come with me and Nathan."

Is she being serious? What possessed her to come up to me, her ex-boyfriend, and ask me to a party. Especially considering how our last party went.

"I was actually just going to stay in on Friday. Jason wanted to show me a movie he bought, and I was going to play DMC after."

"Oh... Well, if you change your mind..."

"You'll be the first to know."

"Right. See you later."


Amy makes her way back to her seat, talking in hushed whispers with Nathan.

"Friend of yours?" The blonde girl next to me picks her head off the desk and looks over at me.

"Not really. She's my ex."

"Oh, sorry."

"Don't worry about it. You couldn't have known. I'm Y/n by the way, I don't think we've talked to each other."

"Ashley." She holds out her hand and I shake it. "I usually sit closer to the front, but my friend Natalie is out today. Thought I would catch up on my beauty sleep."

"Understandable. Can I ask what you're studying for?"

"I want to be a nurse, but I need biochemistry for that. So I have to take chemistry as a prerequisite."

"Oh, cool. My mom is a nurse as well. She works as an OB/GYN."

"That's pretty cool. Where does she work?"

We continue to talk for a few more minutes until the teacher shows up. Looking over to the clock on the wall, I see Amy staring over at me with a pout on her face. I used to think she looked cute like that, but right now it's just annoying. Class ends soon enough, and I'm about to leave when Ashley speaks to me again. 

"It was nice meeting you, Y/n. Today wasn't as bad as I thought."

"It was nice to meet you too Ashley. Have a good day."

"You too." 

Getting up, I head to my ASL room. Looking around, I see Ashley there as well. Looks like we share more than one class. I take a seat next to her and we start talking again. Turns out her cousin is hard of hearing, and she wanted to make it easier to communicate with him. I'm normally not very social, but with Ashley it's pretty easy.


Friday night, I lay on the couch with Jason. He picked out a horror movie, even though he knows I don't like them. Whatever. Grabbing a slice of pizza I turn away from the TV and pull out my phone. After the movie's over I switch on the PlayStation and go to grab a drink.

"So, how was your week?" Jason asks.

"It's been good. Made a new friend."

"Oh, cool. Who is it?"

"Her name is Ashley. We share a few classes."

"Oooohh. So, what's she like?"

"She's pretty awesome. She's studying to be a nurse, she plays piano, her favorite color is blue."

"Those are things she does. I asked what she's like." 

"Oh, well she's smart, funny, cute. She has blonde hair she likes to keep in a ponytail. She's really caring. She volunteers at a food bank every Christmas day. She prefers vanilla ice cream-"

"Sounds like you have a crush."

"What? No, I can't. I've only known her for four days."

"So? Doesn't change a thing. Maybe you should ask her out."

I give it some thought. Would that work? It's a bit early to ask her out, but I can't say she's not cute. Maybe in a few weeks. 

"Maybe in a month or so. I've only known her for a few days."

"Well you asked Amy out after a week, and she said yes." 

"Yeah, and look how well that turned out."

Jason's face twists into a grimace. "Oh, right. Maybe you're right."

We quickly change the subject, and I go back to slicing through demons. 


A/n Thanks for reading. I know this chapter is short, but I don't really know where to take the story after what I have planned next time. So Next chapter will probably be the last. This is my first attempt at writing an original story, and I'm not going to be the best. So, this will be a pretty short book, all things considered. I wish I knew how to make this book's length more organic, but I'm not able to think of a way to do that. Anyway, let me know what you think in the comments. Peace.

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