Chapter 8: Broken heart

Start from the beginning

Lillie: I'm going out with Ash.

I nodded along with agreement. Gladion just smirked before saying.

Gladion: Alright, make sure to come back before bed time.

Gladion brought up his cold cola and sip on it as Lillie and I began walking down the road towards the shopping mall.

Me: You're not bringing Icika or Snowy?

Lillie: They rather sleep at home. Plus, they do not want to bother us.

Me: I see...

I recalled what I said to Lana and looked down at the ground as I looked at my shadow. My eyes were now sparkling from the reflection of water. I hid my eyes with my cap to make sure Lillie did not notice but failed miserably.

Lillie: Something wrong?

Me: ... Oh, no nothing's wrong...

I gave a late response which arouse her suspicion way more.

Lillie: You can tell me, I'm your friend.

Me: "That was exactly what Lana said to me but I'm not repeating myself," No, really, it's nothing to worry about!

I place my cap back in position as my tears subsided quickly.

Lillie: Okay then.

Arrival at the shopping mall~

Lillie: Wanna grab something to eat? We ate a cake so I think a donut or hot dog is enough. What would you like?

Me: Uhhh...maybe a Coca Cola and a donut.

I shrugged as I scratched the back of my head, keeping a fake smile on my face while my inner lips are curved downwards.

Lillie: Okay then!

Lillie walked to the donut shop while I waited for her on the bench. I looked at my Pokemons in my Pokeballs.

Me: Greninja, Charizard, Infernape, Sceptile, Hawlucha...let's train much harder, shall we?

I whispered quietly before Lillie came back. I looked to her as she handed a Coca Cola and a normal donut to me. I took it and began munching it down, this time with a frown.
Lillie did not seem to pay attention as she looked around the mall, to find something interesting.

Me: "I'm sorry Lillie...everyone...I'll leave silently as I do not want to be a burden to you..."

I looked at the public clock on the wall which has posters and read 6.31pm. I looked back down and my food before looking up to Lillie.

Lillie: Ash, stay here, I'll be right back!

Lillie ate the last bite of her donut and ran to a shop, which I think it is full of toys.

I ate my last bite as well and began sipping on my drink.

Lillie's POV:

I ran to a alley near the games and toys shop, hopefully Ash could not see me as I picked up my phone which was ringing from my handbag.

I picked up the call which was from Lana.

Me: Hey Lana, what's up?

Lana: ......

Me: Lana? You there?

Lana: I need to tell you something...

Me: Okay?

Lana: Meet me tomorrow after school at Mallow's cafeteria.

Me: Okay?

Lana: See you tomorrow...

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