𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖄𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖘 𝕷𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖗

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It had been five years since Melody was first locked up.
Everyday, she always had the same routine of being woken up by scientists who would be constantly draining blood, running tests, putting her through excruciating simulations just to get a sample of sweat. And when they were all done, they would leave her in her room, feeling tired and bored.

Melody almost felt emotionless, being used as a little guinea pig to run experiments on was really taking its toll on her mental health. 

But that didn't matter, especially to Janson or Ava Paige. To them, a person like Melody was nothing to them, even if she died because of their 'good cause' they would simply state that it was a small price to pay.

Melody laid down on her bed, trying to get some sleep but as her thoughts roamed freely in head, she couldn't help but whine. She turned to lay on her back, staring at the plain white sealing trying to imagine something, anything to take her mind off of everything.

She began to imagine the blue sky that was filled with fluffy clouds and green grass that had flowers blooming from random spots. Melody wished she could live the world of her imagination, where she was free to do anything and not attached to many wires.

"Melody?" A voice spoke through the microphone. Melody jumped, sitting up quickly to see who was speaking to her. 

She was met with two bright blue eyes that were upon the face of a pale girl with light freckles, her black locks of hair tied back in a bun.

"Who are you?" Melody asked, weary of this new face.

"My name is Teresa, I'm a new worker her and I've been assigned to check on you" Teresa introduced herself.

"May I come in?" Melody would be lying if she said she wasn't surprised by the new girls manners, so with a little nod in reply, Teresa smiled and entered the room.

"I brought your lunch, its just cereal and toast" Teresa stated, placing the tray on the little bench table.

Teresa began working, checking Melody's blood pressure and temperature. After making sure everything was alright, Teresa smiled and decided to get to know her new patient.

"Tell me about yourself Melody" Teresa quizzed.

"I'm sure you've already read my files" Melody politely answered and Teresa sighed.

"Yes I have, but I want to hear it from you"

Melody glanced up at Teresa, examining her facials and body movements to see whether or not she was trust worthy.

"There's nothing to know. I was in a maze with both girls and boys, not exactly sure how long though" Melody started to explain.

"I heard. I also heard you were the only one to escape" Teresa added and Melody nodded in a way to say she was correct.

"My memories have been slowly coming back but majority of it is still a blur. From what I can remember, I had found the exit of the maze and when I told my friends, they didn't believe me and banished me into the maze" Melody stated, remembering that feeling of betrayal and loneliness.

"That must've been so hard for you" Teresa comforted Melody but it did no use. Melody could not even remember the friends she had left behind so there was no point in her feeling any guilt or sorrow.

"Also in your file...uhm" Teresa had hesitated before continuing "It says you have a brother...do you remember him?" 

Melody thought to herself.

'A brother?' Melody was trying to figure out if any of the memories she had remembered had anything to do with a brother.

"I'm not exactly sure. There are a few memories where I am with two boys but their faces are still blurred out" Melody truthfully answered before curiously leaning towards Teresa.

"May I ask two questions about my brother Teresa?" 

"Of course, but i'm not allowed to give too much information"

Melody paused, biting her lip as she took a deep breath.

"Do we look alike?" Melody asked her first question.

"Yes, you two look really alike" Teresa answered.

"and based on how much you know, what was he like?" Teresa saw that glimmer of hope in Melody's eyes and sighed.

"You two are very different. Your brother is very loud and sassy, he always had a comeback. He was very protective of his friends and was a very fast runner" Teresa explained, laughing sadly as she talked about him.

"It's almost like you knew him" Melody stated curiously and that was what brought Teresa back to reality.

"Y-yeah. Well I have to get going now" Teresa rushed to the door before giving Melody one last smile.

Melody watched the girl leave with a tilted head.

'Maybe the next few days won't be so boring'


𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕮𝖚𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝕮𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖉┊ 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍 𝕮𝖚𝖗𝖊Where stories live. Discover now