"I'm not betting my life on 15%." Savvy said.

"Were you invited? Either of you?" Addison asked and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Weiss asked us to come." Derek replied.

"I thought it might help." Weiss said.

"Help what? I'm sorry, Derek, Evie, because I love you's and I'm really glad to see you both. But until you, Derek grow a uterus and watch your mother die from this disease, you don't get a vote." Savvy said and I sent her a soft smile in understandment.

"Did she say they tried for a baby?" Derek asked Addison and she nodded.

"Yes, she did." Addison replied.

"Having a hysterectomy is going to throw..." Derek started but this time I cut him off.

"Derek!" I exclaimed making him stop talking.

"We've been trying for months." Savvy said and Weiss shrugged.

"Why give up now?" Weiss asked.

"Come on, we've talked about this. There are other ways to make a family. We can adopt." Savvy started but Weiss wouldn't listen to her completely.

"Savvy, I just..." Weiss started getting frustrated and upset not knowing the right thing to say.

"No. No! I'm not talking about this." Savvy said sitting up in her chair pushing it backwards a little.

"Let's just take a step back. All right, take a deep breath and think about this." I asked and Addison sent me a look while Derek nodded agreeing with me.

"I've already thought about it, Evie. This...this is going to happen." Savvy concluded Addison picked up her chart and held it out for Izzy.

"Dr. Stevens, get a complete history and do her pre-op labs. Get her schedule hit a double-masterctomy and consult Dr. Quenar from plastics for a reconstruction." Addison expressed and Weiss wouldn't have it.

"Derek?" He asked.

"Addison this conversation is not over." Derek yelled.

"She is my patient, Derek. We're doing a bilateral prophylactic oophorectomy and hysterectomy tomorrow. Get moving." Addison said as Izzy stood there not knowing what to do. She glanced at me and I nodded towards her before she left. Derek stood up and followed her while I stood up and walked in a different direction. I stood in the elevator with Meredith and George when the doors opened and Derek walked in.

"Well, this is fun, again. I like Hello Kitty, by the way. Very pink. Very cheerful." Derek said and I glared at the back of his head.

"Daisy works in billing. Which is where?" George asked and I signed.

"In the basement." Derek and I said at the same time again for the second time that day.

"How's Weiss?" I asked and Derek nodded.

"As good as he could be at the moment." Derek replied and I nodded. The elevator opened and again we went our seperate ways before the end of the day came and I pressed the button for the elevator yet again. It opened to reveal Derek standing in the back corner.

"So, apparently we both live in this elevator." Derek said and I heard him close his phone and step towards me. I ignored him and crossed my arms. "Evangeline..." Derek said and I continued to look straight ahead. He stepped around to stand in front of me and I rotated my head so that I wouldn't look at him. "Evie, you could at least acknowledge I exist." Derek said and the elevator dinged, and the doors opened to reveal Addison. I stepped back as Derek turned to face forward. Addison stepped in.

"Hello, Dr. Grey." Addison said and I nodded towards her.

"You ready to go?" Addison asked Derek and he nodded.

"I was on my way." Derek said. I noticed his eyes glance back to me before he looked at Addison. The doors opened and they walked out.

"Tell Weiss and Savvy I said to have a nice time." I expressed to them and Derek turned and nodded towards me before I turned and walked in the opposite direction. I finished changing and walked back into the lobby and noticed Weiss. I walked over and sat next to him.

"Weiss?" I asked and he rolled his eyes at me.

"Don't talk to me. Keep walking." Weiss said obviously drunk. I sighed and shook my head.

"You should get some sleep, sober up so you're ready for Savvy's surgery. Come on, I'll drive you." I expressed and Weiss glared at me.

"Oh. I'm supposed to hold her hand while they rip her apart? That's the definition of love?" Weiss asked and I sighed leaning forward.

"You can do this." I mentioned and he shook his head.

"Maybe I can't. Maybe i just like to screw my wife." Weiss said and I shook my head.

"Weiss." I started shaking my head a couple more times in disagreement.

"That's what she'll think if I'm not there." Weiss said.

"No, you're gonna be there." Derek said as he walked over to us. He glanced at me before sitting in a seat diagonal from Weiss. Weiss chuckled.

"This is coming from a guy who packed his bags in the middle of the night drove 3,000 miles to live in a trailer." Weiss said and I chuckled and sent Weiss a nod.

"Yeah, well, what am I doing with Addison now? Hm? I'm trying to work it out. I don't know, am I out of my mind? I don't know, you tell me. It's about the ring. It's about the vows. Savvy didn't screw around with you with your best friend. She's looking for support. If you don't give that to her now, if you don't give her that support, then what the hell am I doing?" Derek explained and I watched him carefully. I signed before kissing Weiss's cheek.

"Savvy is a beautiful women, inside and outside, no matter if she has this surgery or not. She will always be beautiful." I said before standing up mumbling a goodnight to both men and walking away, leaving the hospital to go home and sleep. It had been a long day. I came to work the next day and helped get Savvy ready for her surgery. I kissed her forehead before they wheeled her away and into the OR. I waited and they finished. I smiled and walked away before pressing the elevator. The doors opened and Derek was leaning against the back of the elevator looking like a sad puppy. I walked in and turned to face to door. I sighed.

"I miss you." I said and I felt Derek stand right behind me and he took a deep breath before breathing out. His head slightly touched mine and I flinched.

"I can't" He whispered before walking around me and stepping off the elevator. I watched him and sighed.

"Maybe Romeo and Juliet were fated to be together, but just for a while. And then their time passed. If they could have known that beforehand, maybe it all would have been ok. I told Mrs. Snyder that when I was grown up, I'd take fate into my own hands. I wouldn't let some guy drag me down. Mrs. Snyder said that I'd be lucky if I ever had that kind of passion with someone. And that if I did, we'd be together forever. Even now, I believe that for the most part, love is about choices. It's about putting down the poison and dagger and making your own happy ending, most of the time. And that sometimes, despite all your best choices and all your best intensions, fate wins anyway."

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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