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True what mom said. My fever is gone and I can talk again.

"Becca, wait up!"
"Voilet, your voice back!"
"Yes, my mom gave me clove and lemon tea."
"I glad your healthy now."

"Do you have class today?"
"No. You?"
"Same. Let's go to the park. You know take a walk."
"Let's wait for Shaun. He have same schedule as me."
"Here he is."

He come by car and of course his driver drives it.

"Where are you guys going?"
"Let's go."

We follow him to the park. I saw the way to my secret place. I want to go there but I don't want to tell them about the place.

"Voilet, do you want ice cream?"
I can go there when they buying ice cream.

"Sure, I want chocolate."
"Okay wait for us."

As they go to the ice cream stall, I go to my secret place. I miss it so much.

As I get to my place, I'm in shock. Amber is there. Standing with her arms crossed.

"Well, look who here?"
"What do you want from me?"
"Easy, you break up with Shaun and I let you go."
"I won't do that."
"So you want to go with the hard way. Oh, what a nice necklace. It's Shaun's gift right? You don't need to wear it!"

She pull the necklace on my neck. The necklace break up. She just throw it into the pond just like it's nothing.

"You! You- you think you throw my necklace I will break up with him?!"
"You know what? You can't swim!"

She push me into the pond. I scream loudly hoping someone could hear me. She's right, I can't swim. She went away. Leaving me drowning. I can't take it anymore. Everything went black. Am I dead?

Shaun's POV…

We're done buying ice cream. Where is she.

"Where is she?"
"I don't know."

Suddenly I heard screams. It's coming from the woods.

"You heard that?"
Becca asked me. Is it?

"Voilet! Where are you?!"
I get into the woods. Becca follow me from behind. I can see a pond. Her shoe is floating.

"Becca wait here!"
I told her as I open my coat and shoes. I jump into the pond. She's almost lifeless in the water.

I pull her arms and go to the surface.

"Pull me up!"
I asked Becca to pull me up. She look very shocked.

"Oh my God! Voilet!"
"She's still alive. Water in her."

I learned how to save people lives. I push her stomach and she split water from her body.

"Voilet, are you okay?"
"What? What happened?"
"You fall into the pool."

I look at her neck. The necklace is gone and her neck is red.

"No, it's not okay!"
She cried on me.
" Why?"
"I'm sorry. I'm lost you necklace."
"Don't worry about that. You're safe now."
"Who push you Voilet? You can't swim. I know you won't jump in there."
"Amber pushed me. She's the one who throw my necklace."
"That stupid brat!!!"

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