chapter 11

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"with....." elliot asked
"well i need one of you to ask lachy if he likes anyone, and the rest of you shits just don't say a thing!" kath demanded
"ok! i'll ask" lannan said
"great, you all are dismissed" kath said with a solute

as kath and the boys walked down the stairs, they saw lachy scrolling through his phone.

"hey lachy, can we go talk for a few?" lannan asked

"yeah totally" lachy replied

lannan and lachy walked into another room

"whats up?" lachy asked

"do you like anyone at the bloody moment?" lannan said straight forward

"actually i do" lachy said

"well who?" lannan replied

"shit....kath" lachy said then covering his mouth
"aha...ok!" lannan replied overly happy
"uh....don't tell her!" lachy insisted
"i'm nottt" lannan said extending the t
lannan, kath,  cray, and elliots group chat

E: does he like her back
C: i already ship it
L: kath i'm gonna text lachy to see if he'll as you out, ight?
K: okie dokie
C: do you wanna come watch a move elly welly?
K: ELLY WELLY!!!!  come watch the movie!
E: don't ever fucking call me that again
C: just come watch the god damn movie
E: alright
LANNAN AND LACHY TEXT: L: is lannan LA: is lachy
L: yo lachy
LA: yo lannan
L: you should ask out kath
LA: bitch are you out of your fucking mind?
L: sometimes
L: just do it
LA: what if she doesn't like me?!
L: just fucking do it
LA: alright give me a minute to get myself together
L: okay!
as lachy was getting his hair done he heard a squeal from downstairs, a lannan squeal
"lannan the fuck you squealing at?!" lachy asked
it went silent
"nothinggg" lannan said extending the g
"okayyy" lachy said imitating lannan extending the y
as lachy finished up his hair, he walked downstairs, kath, elliot, cray, and lannan were watching a movie
"hey lachy!" kath said as i walked into the kitchen
"hey kath! can you come here for a second?" lachy replied
"oh shit it's happening! get all your bloody phones out!" lannan said
all of the boys took out their phones and secretly started recording
"kath...i've liked you for a bit now...hopefully you feel the same way. could we maybe...go on a dateeee?" lachy asked extending the e
kath gasped in excitement
"omg yes!" kath said
out of no where, kath had gone in for a kiss, lachy did also.
"ahhh shit!" cray said fangirling
they quickly pulled away and looked at cray
"you guys were recording?!" lachy asked in shock
", no no no" elliot insisted
"fuck you guys" lachy said
"ready to go watch the movie?" kath asked
"hell yeah!" lachy added
kath sat down and texted the group chat
K: that just fucking happend!
L: all because of me!
E: and you guys say i have an inflated ego
C: i told you i shipped it!
kath put her phone away, cray then texted lachy
C: hey my man!
L: hey cray!
C: you got the fruit!
L: hell yeah!
C: better not hurt lufu
C: crush the strawberry
L: i won't i won't!
C: alright! i shipped it to begin with
lachy looked down and saw kath sleeping on his lap
L: yo cray look at fruity
C: ok
cray looked up and quickly tilted his head and mouthed "aw, i ship it" holding a heart hand gesture
cray snapped a picture and put it in the boys group chat
C: *picture*
E: oh that's a good one!
L: does he even know?
LA: oh good one cray (sarcastically)
C: don't worry about it!
Lachy started to rub his hand on kaths arm
"you're cute ya know" kath said
lachy jumped "jesussssss" lachy said extending the s
kath laughed
all of a sudden there was a knock at the door
"i'll get it!" cray said
cray had gotten up and went to open the door
cray opened the door and saw marcus
"'s you!" cray said
"please let me back in the house, i beg you!"
"no! you cheated on fruity!" cray responded
"i want her back, and i'm sure she wants me back too" marcus insisted
"hey lachy, care to explain to marcus about fruity?" cray asked
lachy out of his seat and walked to the door
"she doesn't want your cheating ass back! she's my girl now" lachy scream-talked
"wait...that's hilarious, there's no way" marcus laughed
"fruity? care to come here quick babe? " lachy asked kath
"coming!" kath replied
kath walked up to the door and kissed lachy
" way amirite?" lachy asked
"now get the hell out" lannan yelled from the couch
"no...she's MINE!" marcus yelled

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