chapter 2

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"can we continue with the questions?" i asked
"of course we can" elliot replied
"what should i call you guys? like, you're going to be my legal guardians, it would be kinda weird if i called you guys mom and dad." i laughed
"that would be really weird" said lannan "just call us by our names!"
"ok!" next question" said cray "what's your favorite thing about australia?
"vegemite" i said, trying to keep a straight face
"VEGESHITE?!" lannan barked back
i couldn't take it anymore, i burst out laughing
"no just kidding! probably the beautiful cities." i said laughing
"if you wernt joking i probably would've returned you" lannan jokingly added
after that comment i started laughing hysterically
about an hour passed of us just asking each other the silliest questions
as we walked back, my cheekbones hurt because from laughing so much
we arrived back at the orphanage, i went upstairs to collect all my belongings
"take all the time you need Y/N, don't worry about us" marcus said
i smiled back at him, i was happy he understood. it was weird leaving this place, i had called it my home for 6 years, and now i was finally leaving. i looked around my room and took my time to collect my stuff.i didn't own many pairs of cloths, but i had a load of stuff of my wall. i took all my stuff and put it in my bag. i walked into the living room and sat there for a bit, looking at the place. all these memory's came flowing back to me, the ones i thought i'd never miss. i shed a few tears, i quickly brushed them away, i didn't want anyone to see. "it's ok to cry Y/N" a voice behind me said. the voice startled me a bit, i turned around to see kath.
"oh, hey" i quietly replied.
"you ok?" kath asked
"yeah, it's just hard leaving this place, all the memories.." i added
"do you think your ready to go?" kath asked
i nodded. i walked to the door and saw the mrs.morris was standing there with click. she was crying a bit.we hugged for a bit, i heard her whispering to me
they're good people, i'm gonna miss you, but your in good hands.
we hugged for a few more seconds, then i let go
"bye bye." i said in a quiet tone
she waved
"ON TO THE CLICK HOUSE!" said elliot
"sir yes sir" i said in a solute position

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