chapter one

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a little time skip

"Let us introduce ourselves!" said the young lady. "i already know who you guys are" i said quietly. "You do?" she asked. "yeah, you're loserfruit, that's bazza and crayator. then you have muselk and lazarbeam, and marcus, you guys are my favorite youtubers so i'm kinda freaking out right now" my hands started shaking again, but this time cray noticed it. he held my hand and started to calm me down. " Hey Y/N, it's ok, i know the signs, do you have social anxiety?" i nodded
"you shouldn't worry about this, we're not worth it, alright?" cray said certainly.
"HEY! i am totally worth it!" lannan (lazarbeam) said
i laughed quietly.
"Now let's have some fun!" elliot (muselk) yelled
"cray, how did you do even know she had social anxiety?" marcus asked
" because i'm smarter than you!" cray replied
"with you psychology degree?" i asked, holding in laughter
i started laughing with lannan again
"when you live with us, your going to have to be a bit louder, because we're super loud" kath said
"especially elliot" lannan said.
"hey i'm not that loud!" elliot said
"you kinda are" i replied
elliot started laughed
"you've only known me for like, 5 minutes and your already saying i'm loud"
lannan started laughing uncontrollably
"i like you already" he said in between laughs
i smiled this is better than i could of  ever imagined
"can we return her? elliot jokingly yelled back at the orphanage. we had started to walk to the milkshake place and we are almost there.
"what did you mean when you asked 'when your going to live with us?" i asked kath "i thought mrs morris said that you were going to get to know me, then decide if you want me?"
"oh yeah, we were just making up an excuse to get you out here" bazz said
"do you really think we were going to return you after this? marcus said "we just wanted to get to know you in a more comfortable place" he added
*we arrived at the milkshake place, ordered and got a booth*
"you don't sound very australian Y/N, where are you from?" kath asked
"it's a complicated story" i replied, looking down
"you don't have to tell us if you don't want to" cray said sympathetically.
"it's fine, thanks though" i said
"i was born in Y/C, i lived there till i was about ten, my dad left us, since my mom was an aussie, we moved back to australia. she died a few months after we moved and i got sent to the orphanage."
"i'm so sorry Y/N" elliot said. the others nodded sympathetically.
"you stayed in the orphanage for 6 years?!" marcus said in disbelief.
"yeah, everyone always wanted to adopt younger children, so i kinda called that place home."
"ok we should cut all the sad parts!" lannan added
"for once, i agree with him" elliot said "we should ask each other questions, like, we ask you one, then you ask us one, sound good?"
i nodded
"i'll go first" cray said "who is your favorite out of all of us?"
i knew the answer immediately but i didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings
"i....i don't wanna offend any of you" i said
"don't worry, we don't care." bazz replied
"lannan"  i said
"i like you even better now!" lannan said
"are you sure we can't return her" elliot said jokingly
"it's not official yet" marcus said
i turned to elliot to see that he had the adoption papers.
"all we need is your signature and we are good to go" elliot said
i gasped and put my hands to my mouth i quickly signed it.
"group hug!" said lannan
we all came together to hug

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