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J.ONE✔ would like to send you a message

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Hey... that picture you posted was cute

Holy shit- you're.. you're j.one as in Han Jisung from 3racha omfg.
Hold up lemme go die real quick☠
Ok, I'm good now.
But uh, thank you? Lmao

No problem,, n yes, I take it you're a fan

Of course I am.. but I'm questioning why you would dm me of all people?

Oh, hehe, I've actually been meaning to,, just been afraid to... but Chan gave me a valid reason to actually do it. Hes curious about your friend, Hyunjin.

I- shit. Hyunjin would freak out if he knew that, but whys Chan interested in him?

Oh, he has like a REALLY BIG crush on him, but he thinks it's weird considering they dont know eachother and the fact that they've never talked, Chans a very reserved person when it comes to things like that.

Ah ok, that makes sense. You should tell Chan to just make a move, Hyunjins chicken shit and would never do it, but he feels the same way-
Dont tell him I told you that or I'll die☠

I'll try to talk Chan into it :)
N lmaooo, I dont want you dying, I'm finnaly talking to you and I havent got to know you yet

Oh- well uhm, in that case, what would you like to know?

For starters, you know my real name, but I dont know yours, so, what is it? And uh, I guess how old are you?

Oh lmao, its Minho
And I'm 21 :)

Ah, alrighty, cute name for a cute guy ;)
And oh- that means you're my hyung😳

Stop. Making. Me. Blush. 😔
N yess

ah, I wish I could get to know you more but Chan and Changbin are hollering for me, so I will talk to you later cutie ;)

STOP IT and byeee


Jisung sighs in relief, that was the most nerve racking thing hes ever done, but it was worth it.
"Minho, I dont think I'll be able to get that name out of my head." Jisung says with a smile.
"Huh?" Changbin questions, while Chan looks just as confused.
"I finnaly messaged Hyunjins friends. His names Minho" Jisung states while glancing at Chan.
"Whatd he say about Hyunjin.." Chan questions.
"He said that you should make the first move because Hyunjins to chicken shit to. And I agree with him." Jisung states.
"Oh, ok, I- uhm, I guess I'll try it next time he posts something." Chan mumbles.
"Atta boy Hyung!" Changbin exclaims, "and Jisung... does someone have a crush.?"
"What! Uhm, uh, i- I dont know.. maybe" Jisung stutters out.

While Changbin amd Jisung continued that conversation, Chan sat there having an internal battle with himself.
"Should I message hyunjin, what if he thinks I'm weird?" "But what if he doesnt. What if we hit it off.."
After lots of discussion with himself, he concluded that hed be bold and message Hyunjin at some point. It might be when he posts next of Chans feeling it, and it might not be.


I probably wont do anymore Jisung × Minho interactions considering this story is about HyunChan. But well see.

This is the longest chapter so far so yeet 😌

Hope everyones having an amazing day!

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