Chapter Four - Sand and Emptiness

Start from the beginning

Aang perked up at the mention of Roku. If this strange person knew him, then she was probably a friend. He waded out onto the shore, dried himself off and got dressed, then walked over to where the voice was coming from.

“Okay, I’m here. You can come out now.”

(y/n) emerged from the trees and stood in front of him, finally allowing herself to be seen. His eyes widened a little at seeing the Fire Nation clothes, but he said nothing about it.

“So… who exactly are you?” he asked.

(y/n) thought for a few seconds before answering.

“My name is (y/n), and I only just escaped the Fire Nation. I spoke to Roku and he told me I needed to travel with you, and help you on your quest to defeat Ozai. Everything else is a long story.”

“Well,” said Aang, “I have enough time to hear you out. Let’s just get out onto the beach.”

(y/n) didn’t respond, and just looked pointedly at her clothes.

“Oh, right… Well, wait here and I’ll bring you something to wear.”

A few minutes later, (y/n) stood on the beach, dressed in the blue robes of the Kyoshi Island residents.

“Thanks, Aang!” she smiled. “It feels so good to wearing something new and clean again.”

“No problem! So, what about that long story?”

“Well,” she started, “I’m not exactly sure where to begin… I don’t remember anything from my childhood. One day, I just woke up in a dark room, and it turned out I’d been –”

Before she could say anymore, a girl ran onto the beach.

“Aang! Where are you?” she shouted worriedly.

“Katara! You came!” exclaimed Aang, waving at her to come over.

“I’m so glad you’re safe, you really had me worried!”

“Back there you acted like you didn’t care.”

“I'm sorry.”

“Me too. I did let all that attention go to my head. I was being a jerk.”

Katara giggled.

“Well, I hope you didn’t catch a cold out there in the water, you big jerk!”

Aang grinned at her, and as she smiled back, glad that the conflict was over, she finally noticed (y/n), who’d retreated slightly back to her hiding place since Katara's arrival.

“Who’s this?” Katara asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh! Katara, meet (y/n). (y/n), meet Katara.” Turning to Katara, Aang elaborated: “She wants to travel with us and help me to defeat the Fire Lord. She’s on the run from the Fire Nation.”

“Right,” said Katara, “Well, (y/n), it’s nice to meet you.”

From her tone, (y/n) could sense that Katara didn’t trust her, or maybe was just embarrassed at having her private conversation with Aang overheard by a stranger. Whatever the case, she seemed nice enough, and (y/n) was sure the two would make friends once they properly got to know each other.

“Nice to meet you too,” she smiled.

The conversation lasted for another few minutes before the trio began the walk back to the house where they’d spend the night. The sun was already on its way down, and a quiet breeze swayed the grass. In the water, a ship was on its way towards Kyoshi Island, picking up speed with every second as it approached the golden shore. Katara spotted it first, and immediately, from the familiar shape and the red flag fluttering above it, she knew what was going on.

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