chapter twenty

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y/n's pov:

i quickly leave harry's apartment and run down the stairs to my car.

i hop in as i see harry's shadow following me.

grabbing the wheel, i quickly drive away as i make a phone call.

jj's pov:

im half asleep on the sofa watching a film with si when my phone starts to buzz.

i pick it up as i click accept, "y/n?"

she starts to talk as i hear her driving and sniffling,
"im coming over, and i need you to do something for me"

"okay? what is it" i reply

she starts to tell me about what happened with harry as me and simon try to comfort her.

"so what do you need jj and i to do?" simon says

"i'm going to come in and pretend to flirt with him, and pretend i dont know harry is there. jj you follow it. then simon, you point out that harry IS there as jj takes me to his room like we're gonna.. yk.. but in reality i just need a hug right now"

"okay bet, i'll come get you when you're outside" i answer her.

"okay i'll be 5 minutes" she says as she hangs up.

"is this wrong" simon asks as he gets up to go to the kitchen.

i shrug, "he deserves it. plus, we're not gonna do anything"

pouring some water and returning to the couch, he sits next to me "true".

harry's pov:

im following y/n when i realise the direction she's heading.

jj and simons.

what could she possibly need ?

jj's pov:

my phone pings,

y/n: im outside.

"she's here" i say as i get up, "remember the plan."

i jog to the door as i open it and give her a hug, "he's just pulling up, i'll leave the door slightly open" i whisper.

she nods as i grab her hand and walk back to simon.

i sit down and pull her onto my knee as we hear harry walk through the door.

"kiss me" she whispers into my ear

"wait what?" i whisper back, "i thought you said no-"

she groans as she grabs my face and kisses me softly

first shocked, i kiss back as i hear harry's footsteps enter the room.

i pull away and open my eyes, smiling.

forgetting everyone is around us, i felt something..

i think she did too

we stare into eachothers eyes..

but the moment is ruined soon enough, as reality hits.

"umm guys" simon speaks up as he points at harry.

he's stood there.


tears filling his eyes.

"y/n.. why? we could have just talked about this"

y/n starts to speak as i interrupt, "harry harry harry. why would you disrespect such a beautiful girl?"

"i didnt mean to i didn't know she was-"

i interrupt again, "always not your fault, is it Lewis?"

pulling y/n to face me, i stand up as she wraps her legs around my waist.

"y/n come on, dont do this. you know i treat you great. i miss you."

"harry leave. i'm sure a trash can could treat me better than you just did. now if you'll excuse me and jj, we have plans"

i give harry a smirk as i walk into my room and lock the room.

placing her on the bed i give her a hug as her tears start to flow.

"it's okay beautiful" i rub her back.

she pulls away and sniffs.

"what?" i say as she looks me in the eyes.

she grabs my face and pulls me in again, close.

y/n's pov:

while kissing jj, something hit me.

i didnt know what it was, but i loved it.

and i need it.

back in his room, i cried a little. before pulling away and pulling him close.

i stare in his eyes a little before giggling.

he chuckles a little before looking down at my lips, then back at my eyes.

"what?" he says again, chuckling slightly.

"shut up and kiss me" i laugh as i fall back, pulling him ontop of me.

harry's pov:

im stood outside jj's door, listening. but cant hear anything.

"harry it's late, maybe you should go?"

"you're right, im sorry for coming over here.." i say backing up from jj's door.

"dont be, she'll be back soon enough im sure" he gives me a smile..

"i fucking wish" sighing, i mumble as i hop into my car.

well done harry.

well fucking done.

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