Ava had told Colby she wanted some air so stumbled away from the kitchen and this time headed for the front door instead of the back door. She hadn't even noticed she walked past Crawford and the boys because her vision was starting to get a little blurry from the alcohol.

"I feel so bad for her" Tara said as they all watched her walk away.

"Yeah, I just wanted her to have one night where she could have fun and it had to get ruined" Kat added.

"I think Crawford being here hasn't overly helped either...like yeah he helped her and all but...I think her plan was to more the less avoid him at all costs" Sam spoke.

"Yeah 100%" Corey agreed.

A few moments had passed and Crawford was engaged in conversation with Corey and JC until they heard a loud scream come from outside.

"Get Sam and Colby" Crawford said quickly before running outside the front door and seeing Ava backing up to the steps.

"Ava what's going on?!" He asked the girl.

She turned around and rushed towards him.

"Liam, he's behind the bush. He hid when I screamed" she panicked. Crawford immediately guided her behind him.

"Stay here" he told her, clenching his jaw before rushing down the drive and around the bush.

Ava stayed by the front door and noticed Sam, Colby, both Corey's, JC, Jake and the two girls heading her way.

"Quick, Crawford's over there with him. Someone's gonna get hurt" Ava panicked.

Sam, Colby and Jc rushed down the drive to accompany Crawford whilst the girls, Jake and both Corey's stayed put.

"Yo chill, it's gonna be fine" Corey L tried to reassure Ava as she stood silently shaking.

She pretended she didn't hear him and watched down the drive, waiting for the boys to reappear. A few minutes had past and the 4 boys eventually came back up the drive.

"He won't be bothering you anymore" Crawford stayed bluntly before brushing past her and heading inside, not allowing her to say anything else.

She watched him walk away and sent confused looks to everyone else.

"What just happened?" Tara asked, awaiting for someone to answer.

"The guy said a few things that pissed him off, that's all. But he's not gonna come back so don't worry" JC answered, saying the last part to Ava to reassure her.

"Thank you, all of you" she told them quietly. They all started to head back inside but Ava didn't budge.

"You coming?" Colby asked her, stopping in his place for a moment.

She shook her head no.

"I think I'm just gonna chill here until the party is over now" she told him gently.

"You want me to stay?" He offered.

"No, go have fun" she smiled at him.

He smiled back before saying okay and heading inside. He left the front door open for her and she sat herself down on the top step, allowing her mind to wander to many things.

She felt so overwhelmed by tonight. She thought it was just gonna be a fun evening with her friends, but no. She ran into everyone from her past and literally couldn't avoid them, was perved on THREE times and got herself so drunk which she never does. She almost felt ashamed of herself and as if everything was her fault again.

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