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Deep in a vast wood, there lived an elven boy who dreamed of adventure.

The elves were a mystical, secluded race that lived within the deepest depths of Briarbeth's largest forest. They resembled humans, yet they had pointed ears, lacked facial hair, could see in the dark, and possessed honed speed and senses. Most elves loved and cherished their home so much, they chose to remain secluded from the outside world of the humans. Yet some elves - especially the hero of this tale - chose otherwise.

The elven boy had handsome mid-length blonde hair, smooth fair skin, shining hazel eyes, and a courageous heart. He grew up without ever knowing his father. He first lived with his gentle mother in a ramshackle cottage in the rustic outskirts of the elves' largest settlement, Casthor. The boy and his mother engaged in many daily activities together such as sowing crops and chopping wood. The boy loved his mother very much, but little did he know that one day his mother would leave him for unknown reasons.

The child felt as if he were separated from everything and everyone else. Desperate for his mother to return, he missed everything about her: Her gentle embraces; her captivating smile; and most of all - her love.

Soon, the boy was taken under the care and tutelage of the renowned hunter and Lord of Casthor, Rith. Rith was a tall, slender elf. His hair was long and flowing, his ears elongated and pointed, and his noble attire green and leaf-like. Rith resolved to keep the boy at comfort, yet despite his efforts, it seemed impossible to deliver the child from his sorrow. That was, until Rith asked the boy if he wanted to learn the way of the sword. In that moment, the boy's grief began to fade away.

When the two sparred for the first time, the boy could barely swing his sword. His blows were ineffective, his thrusts lacked precision, and his parries lacked timing. But as the boy grew older, his skills slowly but surely improved. Eventually, the boy could land hard blows and fend off his mentor's blows with ease.

The boy developed a strong and intimate relationship with Rith, whom he began to look up to as a father figure. Under Rith's guidance, the boy learned how to read, write, hunt, fight against foes, shoot arrows, set up traps to catch prey and vermin, and remain unseen in the trees. But his burning dream to see the world never died out. The boy's odd desire coupled with Rith's extraordinary tutelage caused him to be singled out by other elves of his age, save for a few childhood friends. But despite this, nothing could forestall the boy from pursuing his dreams.

Years passed, and the elven boy grew up to be a toned adolescent at the age of sixteen. At last, he was finally prepared to set off on his independent adventures. Knowing this, the boy equipped a delicate sword with a green hilt, a small round iron shield, and vibrant red leather armor with a white rune-like trim - a special coat of armor reserved for high elven nobility. Before the boy left the gates of Casthor Keep, Rith gently touched his forehead.

"Inspiration is grand, for it encourages the hindered and heals the weak." Rith said, calmly. "One day, you will be able to inspire many during you adventures, just like many adventurers before you." He took his finger off of Erion's forehead. "You are now free to set off on your long-awaited journey to see the world. Now go, and may your adventures be grand..." Encouraged by Rith's words, the boy set off from the keep with a dash. "Farewell... my son..." Said the elven lord, a tear rolling down his cheek.

The elven boy raced out of Casthor's gates with a strong sense of excitement, for he was about to set off to lands far beyond, where many adventures awaited him. It was not long until the boy arrived at the towering gates of the king's city.

"Well, I better not waste any more time!" He said to himself. "Alright, here goes nothing!"

This is the tale of Erion Xilar...

            This is the tale of Erion Xilar

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