Going To Jack's Funeral

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Little Rock, Arkansas

Charlie: *combing his hair*

Ryan: *putting on his necktie* We better get to the church! You have the address?

Charlie: Yes, I do! *dressed in a gray suit*

Lil_Bunny_Demon: You guys coming? Everyone is outside! We need to get to the church!

Charlie: Hold your horses! Just gotta polish my shoes! *polishing his shoes*

Lil_Bunny_Demon: Ugh! *leaves in her heels and goes back downstairs in the elevator*

Ryan: Everyone is gonna follow you to the church, so I'll meet you outside, okay?

Charlie: Alrighty roo! *still polishing his shoes*

Ryan: *takes the elevator downstairs*

Outside in the parking lot....

Tina: Hurry up, Charlie!

Me: He's coming, don't worry! *dressed in a brown suit*

tearfulsmile: *dressed in her outfit* Is the church that far away?

stormbro: No, it's right here in town.

MaryKLago: It's 12:45 right now! Funeral starts at 1! Everyone probably getting lined up to go in the church right now!

SakuraThePanzerOtaku: What about lunch?

Me: I don't know.

SakuraThePanzerOtaku: At least get some Burger King real quick, before the funeral! I won't be able to sit through the entire service on an empty stomach!

stormbro: Deal with it, okay?

Kayriss7: *dressed in her outfit* There he comes!

Charlie: Sorry to keep you folks waiting! Mary, you got your frying pan, right?

MaryKLago: Yes, Charlie, I have it. Let's get in the rental cars, and follow Charlie to the church. *gets in the rental car and is dressed up in her outfit*

Me: *gets in the front with Mary*

Lil_Bunny_Demon: *gets in the back with Vicky*

ilovemybooks2000: *sighing* I hope Jack's family will be okay.

Dana: WB and F, get in the car! Stop fooling around!

Writer's Block: *gets in the rental car with Dana up front*

Forgetfulness: *gets in the back*

Helena: *sits with F in the back* I can't believe Jack is gone.

Dana: Be strong, Helena.

Ryan: *gets in the rental car with Charlie up front*

Charlie: Everyone accounted for?

Ryan: Yes. *buckling up*

Charlie: *puts 614 Fayetteville St in to the GPS*

GPS: *female voice* Calculating route!

All Of Us: *follows Charlie to Mount Sinai Baptist Church*

Time skip.....

GPS: You have arrived!

Charlie: Whooie!! *sees a lot of people getting in line into the church*

Ryan: *sees the hearse* Gonna be packed! *gets out of the car*

Charlie: *gets out of the car*

Me: *gets out of the car*

SakuraThePanzerOtaku: *gets out of the car*

Helena: *feels sad*

Tina: *hears music playing from inside the church*

Noelle: *reads the church sign* Mount Sinai Baptist Church. Where Christ Loves Everyone. Pastor Randy Becker.

Nichole: Beautiful brick church!

Tina: Yeah.

Time skip.....

Tina: *hears some people crying* Oh boy. *sits down on the pew*

Ryan: *sees the closed casket and Jack's family up front hugging each other and mourning*

tearfulsmile: *feels total regret* I took Jack away from his family.

Kayriss7: *whispers* I did too, sis.

Me: *sits down on the pew with Mary*

Writer's Block: *sobbing*

Forgetfulness: *sobbing*

Helena: *sobbing*

Dana: Be strong, guys!

This story was written on Wednesday, May 20th, 2020.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback, and your thoughts on Jack. May he RIP. Thanks. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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