You Need To Calm Down And Stop Being Silly

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Me: Pizza's here! *bringing the pizzas in*

PrincessNichole77714: PIZZA!! *singing off key in Italian*

Kayriss7: Ahem!

PrincessNichole77714: Sorry, sorry! I'm so hungry! *takes a slice, eats it and burns her mouth* AHHHHH!!! HOT HOT HOT!!! *fanning her mouth*

tearfulsmile: Can you chill out? Like seriously?

Tina: Exactly.

MaryKLago: Sit down, and be quiet!

PrincessNichole77714: *does what she is told and gargles her Coke*

Charlie: Cut that mess out, Nichole!

Lil_Bunny_Demon: Can someone put her in time out, please? I'm trying to eat.

Kayriss7: Go to time out, Nichole! In the closet. You can eat, after your time out is over. Stay in there for 10 minutes.

PrincessNichole77714: *goes in the closet*

Kayriss7: *closes the closet and locks her in*

ilovemybooks2000: Her behavior is totally unacceptable.

Me: I agree. *eating my pizza*

ilovemybooks2000: *eating her pizza*

Ryan: She's gonna wind up in a private school for girls, if she doesn't get her behavior under control.

Me: Worse case scenario, she'll probably be sent to Sandburg Private Academy in Oregon. Those teachers don't play. Totally strict.

Lil_Bunny_Demon: Wow. Where in Oregon is Sandburg?

Me: 20 miles from Portland.

Lil_Bunny_Demon: Gotcha! *eating her pizza, and accidentally knocks over her soda* Are you cereal?!

Jack: *laughs*

Lil_Bunny_Demon: Shut up, Jack! Before, I knock you out!

Jack: *still laughing*

Lil_Bunny_Demon: Okay, I warned you! *knocks Jack out cold*

Jack: *out cold*

Lil_Bunny_Demon: *cleans up the mess and gets another soda*

xjarutox: This is good pizza, hands down!

This story was written on Wednesday, May 13th, 2020.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! 💛💛💛💛💛💛😘😘😘😘😘😘💛💛💛😘😘😘🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕

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