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For girls...

Girls want to be beautiful. Just like me. No matter how many times people say your beautiful it only takes one time for someone to say your ugly to make it stuck in your head for ever. You won't forget it. Me personally kids call me ugly. Yes it hurts, yes I wish they stop but if I know in my heart I'm beautiful that's what I am. Beauty is not make-up. Beauty is you. Inside, or out. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. Respect that. Cause if you don't things come back harder than they first came. Love your self and others. You won't think your beautiful till you say it your self and believe it in your heart. Yes I'm 12. Yes I know I'm a kid. I came up with every word. No, you don't have to take word of a 12 year old girl who has been called mean things. But believe that your beautiful no matter the names you have been called, or age. Just know that your beautiful in your own way.

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