|| Night's Silence ||

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~The texts in italics in "inverted comas" convey statements by the characters.

~The sentences only in italics collate to the thoughts of the charachters.

PS: The author is a muslim and avoids any mature scenes and content. Read at your own risk! 🤝🏻


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Here i go...


"Zarish, i know, i am trying we'd overcome that together. Don't worry!" Azin speaks on one side of the call.

She smiles when she satisfies her friend, more like her sister, Zarish, on the call. Lights were off as the fuse was out for past half an hour.


Azin quickly drops the drenched mop from her left hand through which she was cleaning the contrivances in the kitchen by past 20:19 of night panicked by the precipitous sound of the shattering of glass. It nearly came from the first room that was attached to just the right of the entrance of the house.

"Zarish, hang on please..." Azin marks.

"Ok..." Zarish agrees.

"Or maybe, i'll call later."  Azin curiously phrases.

"Oh, sure. In Allah's refuge."  Says confused Zarish.

"In Allah's refuge.Azin speaks looking outside the kitchen.

Azin doesn't disconnect the call, hoping for Zarish to have disconnected it and takes it along with her. She sneaks outside, being dark in the house nothing was visible to the clear sight.

Walking up to the suspected room, Azin unbars the white wooden door, turns it on it's juncture and enters inside slowly.

The white glistened wall that was inline with the door had large glass sheets to 3/4 of the wall's area, embedded in it for the view of the lawn outside.

Whether was laborious while lightning and thunder sound brewed the situation more intense.

"Hello? Anyone here?"  Places her phone over the near nightstand, Azin speaks in a typically audible voice.

There she witnesses a green glinting vase, in pieces on the ground.

She paces further and kneels down to examine as to figure out who might had done it.

Out of nowhere, lightning arises from behind and it's light enters the glass sheets behind her. This makes Azin certainly descry a shadow ahead of her to the ground that was cast by the sudden lightning.

This shadow belongs to a man...

Azin gulps and stands on her bare feet. The lightning again causes a glimpse of the shadow of the man, who stands behind her.

Azin turns around to see the undesired.

"Who...Who are you?"  She hitches.

"Someone you already know!"  The man hints.

The man from the dark, comes into the view of imprecise moonlight pierced through the glass sheets into that cubicle.

"You?" Azin gasps.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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