Chapter 18 - I've got you

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Keira couldn't stop thinking about Friday.

The week passed by so slowly, it was painful. All she wanted to do was go to London with Lewis. But although she was so excited, the nerves were almost unbearable.

As the days went on, speculation grew in the media about her and Lewis' relationship. Journalists had somehow found her social media pages, and it didn't take long for the floods of follow requests and messages to come through. She didn't know how Lewis dealt with all of the attention on the internet day in and day out.

Keira knew it would only get worse when people saw them at the BRITs together. God, she hadn't even thought about the possibility of having to walk a red carpet.

What was her life turning into?

When she'd told Tara about it all, her friend had almost passed out.

"Keira, what the actual hell!" she squealed as they sat in her apartment after a long day of classes, sharing a bottle of wine together on the sofa. "I can't believe it!"

"Neither can I," Keira replied. She was wearing one of Lewis' hoodies that he'd accidentally left at her place . . . And she had 'forgotten' to give back.

"Think of all the celebrities you'll meet!" Tara grinned in excitement.

Keira shook her head, tugging at her sleeves. "I'm going there to support Lewis, not for anything else."

Tara just rolled her eyes before pinching her arm. "Yes, I know, I know. But still, it's an amazing opportunity! It's not every day you get to walk a red fricking carpet."

Keira giggled at that. "I know, it really is insane. I can't believe any of this happening to me."

"I mean it's obvious why it's happening to you," Tara said with a knowing smile. "Lewis really likes you. I've seen the pictures online. You two are so cute it actually makes me sick."

Keira laughed. "That's what I've been saying about you and Joe since you first got together."
"Yeah, but Joe isn't writing songs about how much he loves me," Tara chuckled, taking a sip from her wine glass.

"Neither is Lewis," she replied. Although, she'd be lying if she said the thought hadn't passed through her mind a few times.

"You sure about that, K?"

Keira reached for her own glass before shrugging. "I don't know. I'm not a very interesting muse to write about."
"Yeah, because I'm sure he's met a lot of girls the same way he met you," Tara said sarcastically.

Keira thought back to the night they first met at the concert. When she was singing like an idiot outside his dressing room.

"Whatever," she only laughed and gulped down her wine.


"You sure you're okay with looking after Hammie for the weekend," Keira asked as she helped Tara fit the large hamster cage into her car.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, don't worry about it," she said with a smile, waving Keira away as she strapped a seatbelt around the cage.

Tara slammed the car door shut before turning to face Keira and Lewis who were stood before her.

Because Lewis was performing at the show, they were travelling down to London on the tour bus. Keira didn't want to think about how long it would take to get there. She hated long journeys; they always seemed to make her travel-sick. But she didn't complain as Lewis loaded her suitcase into the luggage compartment under the bus, along with countless instruments and sound equipment.

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