Chapter 11 - Let it Roll

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The show was incredible.

Keira watched from the side of the stage as Lewis ran through his setlist, singing and laughing with the crowd. She loved watching his interactions with his fans. The way they screamed every time he started a song. She hadn't realised it before, but in a single moment, Lewis had every person in the entire arena watching him. He had their full and utter attention. And she couldn't stop smiling because of it.

It felt different watching him this time. Before, she had enjoyed his performance like any other fan would. But now, all she felt was a swelling pride as she watched him sing, his voice sending shivers up and down her spine.

Her heart did somersaults every time he looked over to her. Every time he met her gaze she felt like she was in a dream. He smiled at her in between songs, and it was enough to make her light-headed.

Keira didn't know if she could last the whole show without having to kiss that mouth. At one point, she was tempted to march up to him and do it there and then, in the middle of the stage, in front of everyone. Luckily, she had come to her senses before that mortifying mistake could be made.

When he finished his last song, Lewis said goodbye to the audience and walked off stage towards her.

"Hey," he said as he stopped before her, the corners of his mouth already twitching upwards into a smile.

Keira didn't bother to reply. Without thinking, she threw her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. Lewis chuckled, his own hands coming to wrap around her waist.

"You were amazing," she said softly into his ear and she could have sworn his breath hitched.

"How did it compare to last night?" Lewis asked, squeezing her gently in his arms.

Keira hummed before pulling her head back so she could meet his eye. "It was better tonight."

His grin widened. "Yeah? And why is that?"

She brushed a hand down his cheek, savouring the warmth of their bodies pressed together. "You've got a sexy side view," she giggled.

He rolled his eyes but she could see he was blushing. "Tell me something I don't know."

Keira shook her head before pushing up on her tiptoes and whispering in his ear. "I've been wanting to kiss you all night."

He cursed beneath his breath and it was enough to set her heart racing. She shuddered as his hand softly trailed up the centre of her back before coming to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. He left his hand there, cradling her face in his broad palm.

"Well we'd better fix that then," he said quietly as he leant in towards her.

Keira's eyes fluttered closed as their lips met. They were so soft, so warm. Everything she'd been waiting for and more. She couldn't help the moan that escaped her as his tongue brushed the seam of her lips. Keira parted them, gladly allowing him in. She felt his arms tighten around her as she ran her fingers through his hair, tugging gently on the blonde strands.

It was like everything melted away. No longer could she hear the murmuring crowd as they left the arena, or the thumping music from the stereo system above. No. All she could hear now was the staccato of her own heart as it beat wildly against her chest.

They pulled apart briefly, just long enough for Lewis to whisper her name. His breaths were ragged. She smiled before kissing him again, losing herself in him completely.

"Woah, do you mind?" Aidan joked as he walked past them along with the rest of the band. "Get a room."

"Ey fuck off will ya?" Lewis laughed.

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