"Sorry. I ran into Snape and he mentioned something about Occumancy? No, Occlumency? Yea, I think that's it. Occlumency." She nodded, slightly confused and continued to eat. Christmas was nearing and that meant that I had to go get gifts for people. The only problem was, only third years and above could go to Hogsmeade. I'll think of something.

Me and Hermione started discussing plans for break. We eventually decided to go back to our dorms. We walked into the common room, where Harry and Ron were playing wizards chess. I quickly ran ahead of Hermione and went into the dorms. I didn't want to speak to them. Clearly, she understood and didn't question it. We continued our conversation until we heard tapping at the window. I turned to see that it was a black owl. I ran over and opened the window so that it could rest. I've always had a soft spot for animals.

I took the note from the owl and gave it a treat. 'Draco Malfoy' was written in fancy handwriting. 'Mione came over to see who it was from and she smirked when she saw the name. I had already explained the situation with him and she was convinced that he was my soulmate, even though I denied it. I opened the note and started reading.

Dear Y/N,

First off, I would like to ask how your break has been so far? Yes, I know, it's only been a day. I just want to know, so don't question it. I've told my mother all about you, and she would really like to meet you sometime soon! How's the situation with the Trio? I feel bad for leaving you alone. Don't get in to much trouble!


I quickly got some parchment and a muggle pen. I preferred this instead of quills, since you don't have to constantly dip it in ink. I started writing.

Dear Draco,

My break has been really good so far! Hermione confronted me about the situation and we explained everything that happened. It turns out, Ron had told them lies about me. We still don't know why. The good thing is, we're friends again, and we are planning to confront Ron about it. I'll make sure your there to see it, so don't worry. I would love to meet your mother! Tell her that I will see her at the platform. Don't feel bad about leaving, I shouldn't be stopping you from being with family. Also, how's your break so far? Tell me about all the presents you get on Christmas!


I folded the letter and tied it to the owl's leg. I watched as it flew away. I checked the time and saw that it was 6 pm. I turned to Hermione.

"Snape said he wanted to see me, so I'll be off now. If I don't come back, don't freak out! I will probably get back late, so don't stay up and wait for me. You need to sleep. Ok?" She nodded and I got up and walked out of the door. I figured that I wanted to show up early to get in more practice. 

I walked to the Dungeons and knocked on the door. I entered when I heard a faint 'Come in'. Snape was sitting at his desk grading stuff. He looked shocked to see me.

"Why so early? You have at least an hour left."

"I just wanted to get in more practice time. I can wait for you to finish." He nodded and I walked over to a desk. I pulled out a potions book and started thinking. I took some ingredients and started lining them up beside my cauldron. I had made some theories about how to create some potions. I was currently working on one that would make the person's hair change color every 5 seconds. It was supposed to last for however long the brewer wanted it to last. Yes, I know. Very specific, but I wanted to prank Fred and George! 

"Professer Snape?" He looked up and signaled for me to continue.

"Can I test this potion on you? I want to see if it works the way I want it to." He looked skeptical, but walked over to the desk.

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