Chapter 2

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 Sorry for the waiting. I hit a writers block for this story a while back and just didnt know what to write. Im back at it after i saw an episode of the Originals yesterday,but i can't promise that the updating for this story will be regular. But for anyone who voted and liked my story, i really appreciate you guys so much! Thanks!
Love and Gratitude,
J. E. Wollstonecraft

Aida's P.O.V

    Cleaning the house proved more of a challange than i anticipated, but by the time i finished cleaning and stocking it up with food, i immediately went out. I couldn't stand to be there any longer, so the minute i spotted that diner with the smell of warm pie wafting into the outside air as the door was opened, i went in. Ordering some pie and ice cream without a second thought, i turned to stare out the window as i waited for my food.

    New Orleans was still the same. Jazzy and beautifully dark. It was strange, but i had always gotten that dangerous vibe from the very core of the city, almost as if what i saw was only the exterior of what lied underneath in the bowels of the city. It was strange, but normal. I guess even the natives are used to it. I noticed that several people in the crowd hung back, their eyes darting back and forward before they began walking, skulking in the shadows. I chuckled at that for some reason, finding that even the criminals were still the same: obviously stupid. Maybe it was just me that i could notice that the criminals in this place were completey obvious. 

   Maybe i was the only smart one in this town, or maybe the natives already knew the danger but turned a blind eye. I'm not sure, but the more i watched the people who just sidestepped the obvious dangerous looking people, i began to see that what i was thinking was true.

   i shrugged to myself. If they wanted to live in a world where they were simply lying to themselves, then that was fine with me. Maybe it was safer for them that way, maybe they had to. What i can remember about this city was that for as much beauty and wonder that this place had, it had just as much darkness.

   I finished my food slowly, savoring the taste before i left to go roam the streets. That was what was strange about me coming back. Despite this place holding horrible memories of the past and the danger that was hidden in this cities wonder, i still came. I still came to watch the street painters and the stands that held precious artifacts and beautiful jewlery. I still came to watch the stars at night and the sky during the day. If there was anyone more weirder than me, i dare you to find that person.

   I tried to find it odd that about me, but it obly felt normal. All my life i had seen things differently than people around me. Where most girls saw an ordinary day, i saw a brilliant one. Each morning felt like a gift and all its natural things-the sun, the sky, and green trees- a blessing.

   I always wondered why i thought like i did and even tried to find the reason as to why. But trying to figure out who you requires you to go deep down in the dark layers of your heart where you hide even your most painful of secrets. And that was something i had not been ready to do.

   I had been fifteen when i had tried. But even now that im nineteen going on twenty is ten months, i still didnt feel prepared to do it. It wasnt something i felt pressured to do because it wasnt something  i felt that needed to be done. Realizing who you are within takes time and i was still discovering myself at 19.

    Closing my eyes to the ray of sun that shined through my window, i sighed heavily as i wrapped my hands around my warm cup of coffee just before i looked into the eyes of a man standing across the street from where i stood. When i say i looked directly into his eyes, i mean directly. It was almost like i had no choice as to where my eyes would land when i opened them, but i did not expect them to land on the face of a man that i found instantly attractive.

    He couldnt have been more than 25 or 26, his body lean and toned from what i could tell by his slightly too tight gray shirt that nicely highlighted the muscles underneath his black leather jacket. I

He was standing almost as if he anticipated an attack: legs spread wide and hands fisted on eitber side of him as of he was ready to punch if he needed to. I felt my eyebrow raise in confusion from the slight rage that was evident in his tight jaw and his clenched hands.

   I wanted to look away. I really did. But something about him was magnetizing....and familiar. It wasn't just that he was handsome with his dirty blond hair and his attracting features. It was more than that, but i couldn't name the feeling.

   I continued to stare, and since the tension was tight even from this distance, it bothered me. Raising my hand in an awkward wave, i was surprised to see his face relax into confusion.

   His slight change in emotion gave me the strength to look away and stand up, slightly ruffled by this experience. Leaving the pay on the table, i headed for the back since i the idea of running into the man slightly scared me.

   That however turned out to be a bad idea because the moment i walked out, i was slammed against the brick wall by the throat and staring into the piercing cold blue eyes of the man that had been staring at me.


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