Chapter 7

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So i now know how im going to order my story. At first it was just an OcxKlaus, but now i have a time setting. It's going to be set in a time where Hope (his daughter) is in New Orleans. Jackson and Hailey are married. And Kole is still alive and with Davina. For those of you who are up to date with the episodes, Daliah won't be in it. Maybe Freya. None of this is going to correlate with the T.V series at all and it's all going to be completely different from the tv show. So just wanted to give you an FYI. Klaus's mother and father are still out to get him tho. So they are my current villains.
Love and Gratitude,
Aida's P.O.V

   A couple days have passed since i last daw thr infamous Klaus. It was mostly out of consideration for Cami's request that i avoided him, but I'd like to say that that was all my doing. Klaus didn't seem to be anywhere. A part of me was glad for that because i could honor Cami's wish, but the other part of me, the bigger part that was making anxious, really, really, wanted to see him again. I blaimed that feeling on his magnetic blue eyes, so cold and piercing that they stayed imbeded in my memory. They seemed familiar somehow. Like something from a dream, but no matter how many times i tried to think back, i could never place them.

   I tried not to linger on him, so to avoid that, i made myself busy.  I went shopping, went to the bar where Cami worked to chat, and even finished some homework, but by the end of the second day, it was getting harder to not think about him.

   I sighed heavily, rubbing my temple, "I need to forget him."

   I was back at Cami's bar enjoying a drink as i tried to take my mind off everything. Cami wasnt here anymore, but i didnt come for the chit chat. I came for the booze.

   Thinking that, i sighed again before i took a sip of the drink i had gotten from the cute guy bartender and crossed my arms. It felt like the night was droneing on tirelessly and without meaning and i think that my drinking was proving that not only because i rarely drank, but because i was sipping scotch.

   "Excellent choice, although i would have given you something more suited to your style such as white wine." This voice was fluid, smooth, almost like fresh honey pouring out of his mouth in silky words.

   For a brief moment i fantasized that it might be Klaus, but when i looked up, i met dark brown eyes and just as dark hair. I felt my eyebrow raise unconciously, curious.

   The man smiled warmly, "Excuse my disturbance, i didn't mean to interrupt you thoughts."

   I smiled warmly, "Its alright. A distraction is exactly what i need."

   Holding my arm out, i said, "You're welcome to sit."

   Adjusting his coat, he said, "Thank you."

   He sat there quietly for a few moments in an almost awkward tension, but just as i went to take a sip of my drink the man turned on the stool.

   "Elijah." He held his hand out, very formal like.

   I was confused at first, but then i realized he was introducing himself. I grasped his hand, "Aida."

   After a couple of pumps, he released my hand and said, "Aida? Is that short for Adelaide by any chance?"

   "Close." I said with a smile. "Adeline actually. My mother didn't like my name much so she shortened it to Aida."

   The man cutly nodded, "I see."

   Again that slight tension came when he went silent and i found my mind lingering on Klaus. This man seemed to be the polar opposite of Klaus with his thoughtful dark eyes and elegant air. If i didn't know any better, he'd popped right out of an old movie.

   Elijah turned again, an almost confused, shocked, and indecisive look in his eyes. I'd noticed he'd had that looke ever since he asked to sit down.

   I felt a nervous smile quiver on my lips, "What? Is something wrong?"

   He shook his head, "Perplexed."


   He waved his hand in the air, dismissing it like it was nothing at all I should be worried about. "Just a family problem. Nothing you need be concerned with."

    "Want to talk about it?" i swirled my drink around, watching the amber liquid twist around the clear ice cubes.

    He looked surprised, "Most people wouldn't ask such a personal question."

   I shrugged, "I'm not like most people."

   Elijah folded his hands on his lap, very proper and gentleman like as he leaned closer. "That i noticed. Your eyes are very perculiar. Is that a trait you were born with or contacts?"

   I chuckled softly. Of course he noticed. I was kind of hoping our conversation wouldn't turn that way, but it ever rarely doesn't. People always notice. Its not like i could avoid the question now, but I didn't fail to notice that he had smoothly redirected the conversation.

   "Born." i said with a smile. It was forced though, the kind of smile that said it was tired of this topic of conversation.

   Elijah's look of curiosity hightened, but only in his eyes. The rest of him remained stoic, a frozen poker face. There was the barest hint of interest in the way his eyes narrowed and the way his fingers thrummed on the counter top, but i only noticed because i was sitting right beside him. From far away, I'd have to guess that he looked a little bored, but I couldn't be sure.

   "How very curious." he said.

   I shrugged, "I guess. At this point, I'm used to being called out on my difference from the people around me."

   His eyebrows scrunched up, "Is that what bothers you? That you are, in essance, different than those around you?"

   I sighed heavily, my smile falling since it was unable to sustain a fake grin any longer. "I guess everyone wants to fit in somewhere. No matter how much people crave to be different, to be unique and self sufficient, everyone wants a place they belong to. I guess I've never really had that."

   Elijah looked apologetic, "Im sorry." he actually looked sorry he had mentioned my eyes in the first place. That was a first, making me surprised.

   I laughed awkwardly, "Its nothing really. Besides, why am i bothering you with this? We dont even know each other." My words were meant to be lighthearted so as to diffuse the gloom that had settled from my previous words, but that didn't seem to work.

   Elijah didnt exactly help the situation in the end either. "No matter. I have a feeling i will be seeing you around Miss. Adaline. Soon enough we will be able to call each other acquaintances."

   The way he said it made it sound like that wasnt a good thing. And for some reason, i was pretty sure it wasnt. 


Sorry if there are any noticable spelling or grammer errors. I was in a rush to get this to u guys. Ill edit it later

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