Chapter 25

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   Things with Cami went smoothly after that. Although I found her staring at me oddly from time to time, I could tell she was adjusting. As for myself, well, my transition went along shockingly smooth. I thought it would be harder to combine my 'Aida' and my 'Adelaide' personalities, but it honestly wasn't. The more I remembered my past lives the more I came to realize that the two personalities weren't all that different and in fact there had been hundreds of others like her. All strong, smart, and independent. Basically just the same versions of the first original Adelaide until they remembered who they truly were. Although there were some differences, primarily with dialect, they weren't really big things that defined who I was. Overall I was still the same person. I still loved chocolate more than vanilla. I still liked cooking and baking and playing the violin. Art was something I enjoyed doing as a hobby and I still preferred gushy romance novels over today's supernatural stories.

   But now that I had all my memories intact, I came to realize so much of myself. I knew how to play over 15 musical instruments and that I had traveled nearly the entire world in my search for Klaus. I've crossed seas, braved the tropical jungles of South America, survived the cold blizzards of the Antarctic and nearly died in the Sahara and in so many other places as well. I actually did die while traveling, the first one that came to mind was a shipwreck at sea while crossing the Pacific. I had tried to save the crew with my powers as best as I could, but sometimes even Mother Nature is stronger than her followers. I could still remember their faces like it was yesterday.

   Despite the aching of the memories and the intense loneliness that clouded nearly all of them, I felt whole again. Briefly the fact that I had given up on him stabbed at my heart like a sharp knife. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but it was the truth and it was in the past. I would never give up again, not now that I knew what it felt like to be home in his arms once more.

   "You alright there love?" Klaus asked. We were walking through the French Quarter visiting some of the stalls that had been set up. It was already a few days past the entire ordeal and Klaus had decided he would show me the city which he had raised from the ground up. In essence, his kingdom. I tried not to take the joy he found in showing me around by reminding him that I did spend my childhood here as Aida. I knew this city as well as I knew the back of my hand, but at the same time, it was cast in a different light now that I knew Klaus had been the one to be the foundation for this city. It made it feel more like home. Not to mention that after years, centuries, spent looking for him, I was finally by his side again.

   I took his hand, "Just happy Klaus. Just really, really happy."

   Klaus grinned and rubbed my cheek with the back of his thumb, "As am I love. As am I."

   It was nice spending this time alone together even though it wasn't exactly like old times when we would walk around the village. Although, time did mean nothing to me now. I'd learned that over the years. When you're 'immortal'-in a sense for my case-you learn it isn't how short or long time is, rather how you choose to spend it. And right now, there isn't anywhere else I'd rather be.

   I blinked several times as I took in our surroundings. At some point Klaus had directed me to a dimly lit alleyway while in the midst of my thoughts, so I hadn't realized we were alone until Klaus had been pinned against the wall. "Klaus?"

   He didn't speak at first and just looked at me. I blushed at the way his eyes darkened, black creeping up his veins toward his eyes like ooze before bleeding into his irises. I would have been scared had I not been fascinated, watching as his irises changed from blue to a luminescent gold. He finally spoke, his voice low and husky as he stared at me with those striking eyes. They were so enchanting that I felt stuck, bewitched by his gaze altogether. Not completely a vampire, and not completely a werewolf. Something better, something beautiful.

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