Chapter 13

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A/N as always there are grammatical errors but I don't really have much time to correct them. I really appreciate it if you could look over the errors as best as you can and I'll clean it up later. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll start up on the next one ASAP.

Love and Gratitude,
J. E Wollstonecraft.

Someone was holding me.

Vaguely that registered with me as my awareness came back to me. But what was really starting to get my attention was the taste.

Something thick and metallic tasting trickled down my throat and the sides of my lips in a slow crawl. The taste was over powering and disgusting and when my eyes fluttered open and i saw what was pressed against my lips I immediately tried to reject it. That disgusting, fowl liquid that I was drinking, was blood. Of all things, it was blood. And the person feeding it to me was Klaus.

I managed to push it away only a little, gasping out, "Wha-" but unable to finish my sentence because he pushed his bleeding wrist back against my mouth with a similar steel grip that the black man who had attacked me had.

"Just relax Aida. Drink. You lost too much blood."

I mumbled what the fuck are you doing?!?!? against his wrist but it came out as nothing more than a little sound that I doubt he understood. But then the strangest thing happened. The more I was forced to drink, the better I felt. It was as if my strength was returning swiftly and my senses, which had been drunken and stunned before, were sharpening back up again. As disgusting as it was, I drank it; eventually even reaching up with both my hands to press his wrist against my mouth desperately as he supported me.

In time he pulled his wrist away and i was left lying there in his arms with only one thing swirling through my mind: what the hell just happened? Sure i was confused, dazed and even a little horrified that I had just drunken his blood willingly and hungrily, but that was the main question. That was the one that I wanted an answer to because it was would answer everything.

So I asked him.

There was no point in being shy anymore after what he, and I, had both willingly done. "What happened?" I asked him directly with a little bit of dumbfoundedness in my voice. It was so ridiculous how small and childlike I sounded.

Klaus looked a tiny bit worried, his brows scrunched up and his jaw tight as if he was debating about something for a moment. I waited, impassive in changing my mind or allowing him to change the subject. I must've looked at least a little determined because then his eyes softened somewhat and he exhaled heavily through his nose. "Not here. Come."

He said come as of i was supposed to follow him, but in fact in was actually the opposite. Unexpectedly, I was suddenly raised up in his arms as if I was nothing more than a sack of flour. I would've been glad that he didn't have me slung over his shoulder like one but then i became hyper aware of him. It was like the fact that I had done something no other sane person would do and the feelings that came with that flew out the window. All I noticed now was his strong grip on my thigh and the hand splawed strongly against my back. Instively I reached around his neck for support, but the moment I realized my hands were clasped around him, I blushed.

I ducked to hide my face from his sharp gaze, but his voice called me to look at him.

"Aida." It was my name alright, simple and true and a fact. But it felt like it could be more when he said it.

"Yes?" I responded.

"Hold on." He said to me, blue eyes darker than anything I had ever seen before.

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