Start from the beginning

Okk so just so you know the only reason why I am not jumping up on MY ANGEL BED in GLEE IS because obviously ...I do not want to Disturb my Hoodie Guys peaceful Slumber...for he is In A Deep Sleep right now...and oh my god...I dont think I can say this Enough...but there is a different sort of a Peace that I feel within when I just look at him Sleep so Calmly and Peacefully.


I smile.

My Heart Glows.

I quickly get into MY ANGEL BED...and I snuggle back into My Hoodie guys side...and his arms go around my waist on reflex as he engulfs all of me into him...still all the while being like in a deep Sleep...for this has started to come so so so naturally to US over know just sleeping into each others warm embrace at nights..ofcourse we turn our sides too only natural ya guys...what I mean is that so very often in the middle of the nights...we just snuggle back into each other on reflex even when we are like in Our Respective Sleep Cycleesss!


Yes guys...iTs True!

We areeeeeeeee now the MADDER HATTERS IN LOVE!

And now I cant help but smile as I cup my Hoodie Guys face and brush his cheek tenderly and enjoy looking at him - Sleep!

Ahhhhhhhh...The Bliss.

Okkk Ok Ok Wait Wait- Guyssss!

I totally forgot to give you all a brief Glimpse into the Four Days that have Gone By!


And wait...I think I can use this time to give you a little bit of a sneak peek into that.. because when the Morning Comes – it's going to be like all Rushhhhhh and Hushhhhh...for tomorrow is like A Big Big like so so many ways!


Well you all already have a hint as to why I am saying that.. but still...before I get down to further elaborations...I shall state with a Very Very Happy Heart – THAT YOURS TRULY GOOFY CRAZY KHUSHIS- HARDWARES ARE ALL RECOVERED AND HEALED...LIKE ALMOST 99 PERCENT...AND THE REMAINING One PERCENT minor aches here and there shall also be completely Just in time for day after – you know Since we have our Wedding Functions Starting on the 27th!


Okk I shall also get around to giving a list into the Wedding a Bit!


First thing out let me Tell you all that I was Discharged from the Hospital Kingdom on 23rd Morning....and the Doctors were very Happy with my healing with regards to the Concussion in my head which had been like the major major concern...but by 23rd morning they were sure that no further complications could occur and safely concluded that I had healed from the Concussion episode..and ofcourse all the other minor injuries were also healing by the 23rd Morning..when I was discharged...its like I only had this little Remaining Pain in my elbow and my ankle...and in my back - and please Note that I recovered so well...all because of My Hoodie Guys Loveee..I am.telling you.Guys....remember that prescription list I made him checklist..haha..yeah that...well he made sure he gave me all my love medicines which obviously fast tracked my Recovery guys because I have been so so so happy within...and hence I shall very happily state that My little adventure stint into the Hospital for like four nights was totally like a Hospital Holiday Romance...I mean...this Hoodie guy did not Leave my side at will you beleive that? He didnt even come home for like an hour or something in between...let alone returning home for a single night...he would always have Mom or Anjali help him with bringing his stuff over to the Hospital...and he Was like on his full time Loving Emotional Overwhelming Mode like all the time as he practically – lived with me in the Hospital...right there by my all the freakinggggg time...the Only time he would tend to work,phonecalls ( work wise – cricket related) was when I was catching up on rest or when the rest of my loving gorgeous Family and Friends were around me...and on that note guess what guys...another Very Important thing we Indulged In – during this Hospital Stint is that...wait..wait...wait for totally made My Hoodie Guy watch two more Movies of the Harry Potter Movies...haha...guys we have covered uptil the Prisoner of Azkaban...and please know this that he couldnt stop laughing when he saw the Dementors on screen...haha...well you all get the Reference dont you...wink wink)

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