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~~~~A month has passed~~~~

Well, not much has happened. Sydney slept on our couch for a couple of weeks after we found that young girl killed by those strigoi. We've been doing our thing each night, hunting down strigoi. I couldn't tell you how many we've killed during this last month, but it's been a lot. A few times a week we hang out with Sydney, we'll have her over for dinner or something. We're basically her only friends here, and I feel bad that we're the only reason she is here. Abe has made contact a few time during the month. I actually have a lunch with him today, here's hoping that isn't a total disaster. We heard through the grapevine that he had a massive spat with my mother, over everything that went down with me. I guess he also never knew how absent she was in my life.

We've been to Olena's a lot. It is nice actually having a family, they're all so amazing. The next time I seen Yeva after our engagement, went strangely. Especially since I pulled her up for pretending not to speak English. She said more crazy stuff to me, that I can't let go.

~~~Two days after our engagement~~~

~We were at Olena's having lunch.~ "Hey Yeva." I said with a smile. She had gone out to the front porch to sit in the sun, so I decided to join her. "Privet rebenok." She nodded at me. "Come on, stop playing this game. Dimitri told me you can speak English fine. Please just talk to me." I pleaded. She just laughed, a deep laugh. "Ah my child. It took you long enough." She smiled. "You got me." I nervously laughed, she honestly intimidates me. "May I ask what you were saying the other day?" I asked as I sat down beside her. "You must be wary my child." She said mysteriously. "Why, what is going to happen?" I asked, eager to find out. "With the blood. Fertility is high. The undead changes things. Normal is never." She sounded crazy the way she was talking. I'm not sure if it's just her translating that makes it sound weird, or what. "Grandma, stop trying to freak Rose out." Dimitri spoke up, I didn't even know he was there.

"What does that even mean?" I asked, so confused. She just smiled at me. "Rose, come back inside, she's just messing with your head." Dimitri chuckled, I was going to say no, but complied. As I stood up, Yeva grabbed my arm. I turned back to look at her, she gasped and quickly let go. "What? What's wrong?" I asked, worried. She shook her head, not willing to answer. "Come on, tell me, please." Dimitri was by my side now. "It's too late." She said, warily. "The blood has taken affect." With that she stood up and walked away. "What does that even mean?" I said as I sat down with defeat. "Honey, don't listen to her. She thinks she has some power to see things, or something like that. She often spouts on about crazy stuff. We often just nod and go along with it. Don't let it get to you, it's not worth worrying about." He has sat down beside me and pulled me into a hug. "But the things she is saying. 'The undead changes things' does she mean the fact that I was the undead? Has it done something to me? Am I damaged? Even Oksana said that my soul is damaged and it can't be fixed." I was letting it get to me, and I couldn't help it...

~~~Present time~~~

"Hey hun." Dimitri said as he kissed the top of my head. I was sitting on the back porch in the morning sun, thinking back to the conversation I had with Yeva. Replaying everything she said to me, over and over. "Oh, hey." I was totally zoned out, I didn't even hear him come outside. "What are you thinking about?" He asked as he at sat down beside me. "Just that weird conversation I had with Yeva." I said as I looked off into the distance. "You mean the one that was like four weeks ago?" He chuckled. "I can't help it, it is constantly eating away in the back of my mind." My voice was full of frustration. "Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it. We're having dinner there tonight, so if you want I can talk to her." I looked pleadingly at him. "You'd do that for me?" I asked in a small voice, which made him laugh. "Of course, if it will put your mind at ease." He smiled as he kissed me. "I was going to head out for a run, if you wanted to join?" He asked as he stood up. A run would be good, it'll help me clear my head. I nodded as I too stood up.

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