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~~~~~~ 2 months have passed ~~~~~~

Well, what can I say. We've been very, very busy. These two months have flown by, while moments have also seemed to be never ending. We've created a pretty good relationship with the alchemists, the less deadly creatures of the night there are, the happier they become. One more shocking thing... Our necks are full. Yup. We've killed so many damn strigoi that we've run out of room on our necks... I couldn't even tell you how many we've killed, we just get the tattoos at the end of the day we kill the strigoi. They've started venturing down the centre of our backs, and because of it, we're becoming legendary.

Granted this wasn't the path we wanted to take. We wanted to stay under the radar, keep to ourselves. But what can you do, we're too good at what we do. I don't think my ribs ever actually healed... Not after my lack of cooperation with the healing regime. I swear I could feel them click against each other or something like that every so often... The more we did our daily hunts, the more we dreaded going back to the academy. This, this was what we were born to do. Sure, we could just be your average Joe blogs guardian that has a charge to protect. And we would be damn gods at it, but what we're doing at the moment. Killing off as many strigoi as we can, and being kick ass at it, that is the real thing that matters.

Who knows. If we keep at it they might actually become an endangered species, the moroi might not even need guardians anymore. As dangerous as it is for some people, I wish they gave you the option between fighting strigoi and being someone's guardian. But that's not how our world works. We are supposed to bid our time and keep safe, only fighting if it is inevitable. Never are we supposed to go looking for the fight, it's considered reckless and stupid. So what, maybe it is, but that isn't stopping Dimitri and I. We're doing things our way now, and no one can stop us. We answer to no one, never again will we! The pups have been taking their training well, they're good at distractions while we fight. They're not big enough yet to actually attack the strigoi, one day though.

They are extra effective because the strigoi can't believe that dhampirs have animals fighting alongside them. Word of us is not only getting around with the dhampirs and Moroi world, it's also getting around in the strigoi world. And they aren't having a bar of it. The odd night we come across strigoi that were actually hunting us down, it's always amusing because they think that the fact they found us gives them the upper hand. Oh how wrong they are. We take them down as easy as all the unsuspecting strigoi. Tonight we polished off three each. We had just sat down with the tattooist, Dimitri got his first. The guys does them so quickly now, but they always look the same, never worse. Once he was done he nodded his goodbye then left.

"I'm gonna have a shower." I said as I leaned down and kissed Dimitri on the cheek. Just as I went to step away, he grabbed my arm and pulled me into his lap. "I really love you, you know." He said as his big dark eyes stared into my damaged soul. "I know." I said quietly, then I stretched up to kiss him. We sat like that for a few minutes, just relishing in each others presence. "Right, go have your shower." He said as he kissed me one more time then effortlessly flicked me back up onto my feet, lightly smacking my butt, encouraging me to go. I laughed as I walked off into the bathroom, only I wasn't alone for long. I'd just started wetting my hair so my eyes were closed, then a figured jumped into the shower with me. Momentarily giving me a fright, then I smelled Dimitri's scent before I even opened my eyes. I just smiled and continued wetting my hair.

So my shower ended up lasting longer than I had planned, thanks to Dimitri's invasion. Once we were dry, we climbed into bed, completely naked. The silk sheets felt cool against my skin. "We should change towns again soon, we've been here too long." He said as he stretched out on his back beside me. The sheet barely covering his crotch, I smiled as I rolled to face him. "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing earlier. I wonder how far Sydney will follow us?" I said pondering the idea, this seemed to spark something sad within Dimitri. "What's wrong?" He just shook his head. "Don't worry, it's nothing." Way too often I'd come across him battling some kind of internal struggle, one that I don't know about. There's the whole strigoi one, which I know all about because I experience the same... But the one just now, that one I don't know, and it's starting to worry me.

Mystical Changes ~ Vampire Academy Fanfiction Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora